Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Withdrawal Effects Of Edffexor

COMITATO PROMOTORE ATENE 150 anniv.Unita’d’Italia

the Mayor of Athens

On the occasion of the anniversary of 150 years unit 'of Italy in 2011, we ask that the City of Athens dedicate a place in the City' (with a plaque or a statue), in sign of gratitude for Italians rushed to the rescue of the Greek people during the revolution of 1821.

recall that among the many Italians flocked headed Ricciotti Garibaldi and Amilcare Cipriani , there were internationalist volunteers and university students who landed illegally in Greece to participate in the greek-Turkish war.

fight alongside the Greeks in Patras and after Domokos in Thessaly where, unfortunately, were forced to retreat from the Turks ..... .

For the Committee

Cav.Arch.Angelo Saracini

Prof. Claudia Capone


http: / / www.angelosaracini.com/STORIAITALIANIinGRECIA/tabid/62/language/it-IT/Default.aspx

the video of the show made daManoli Damiani Kasimatis

http://comitespopolaregrecia.blogspot.com/2010/09 / history-of-Italian-in-grecia.html


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