Monday, January 31, 2011

Can I Take Vicodin With Cloonazepam

Alone ♥ ♥ ♥

Hello dear friends,
finally alone ... a busy week I would say more '! With little affected nn 'was a pleasant quiet week .... and the nights were the best .. nn he often complained! Poor my baby ... it 's still on antibiotics due to an' acute tonsillitis associated with a rash like scarlet fever ... you can imagine the itching! However, today and 'round in kindergarten. .. now I have need to recover from his fever and lively ... even 'managed to make it quiet .... and 'What a miracle!
Non0stante everything I could to bring order to achieve this Summer Tilda Angel ... are usually very critical about everything that I sew ... EXCEPT this time ... and 'was love in every way! Nn I was really convinced of American cotton floral skirts that I used to ... I changed my mind ... this combined with cream-colored squares and 'HIS DEATH .... nn you agree?? Daniela I had expressly required to use soft colors on the shades' cream and cappuccino ... in particular I have deliberately used the brown socks .. for a gray cotton with white polka dots
the little button on the wool cloth strap
spighettina which finishes the dress ...
and between the soft hair of wool boucler (sewn entirely by hand glued nn I want to clarify because it takes me an hour per acconciarle ad opera)nn poteva mancare la rosellina in panno lenci!!!
Per ora e' tutto dalla vostra cara saluto affettuosamente.


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