Monday, January 24, 2011

Hmong Cheaters Movie Cover

It 's hard .....

Hello dear .... a 'more Monday' kicks off .. we know that most upsets the beginning of the week 'by some after a beautiful end ... duretta week is having to start over again! Of the many things I really ... to be placed in Monfalcone and that 'the sun came back accompanied by frost and wind thankfully granted the' drying clothes on the weekend! Now I've ironed and since they are in a mad frantic I washed tends ... then there would also be added to those mound! sincerely wants there in little more 'and I' got an inflammation of the tendons in the arm and I think that'll leave 'all outstanding! you what you been doing? ? Saturday I was at a girlfriend's birthday and yesterday I was in Sofia Udine ... we dined at a Brazilian restaurant I would say a great meat and fabulous shopping granted then we saw the sales for the record ... nn we have found much in return I bought some earrings .. you like?? In particular, I prefer those pending ... I'm so 'Vintage Nos think?? bought in Accessorize shop where things are super nice!
Still on the subject show you the latest jewelry necklaces burberry pattern fabric ...
some pearl
bows and yo-yo like flowers
of course a lot of imagination .. .. .. Some detail the staple
Francesca http://www.passionedeco-francesca.blogsp ... has already 'got a preview go ... to visit his blog he will be enchanted!
and 'I am excited and super happy!
friends will hug and greet you,


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