Friday, January 21, 2011

Funbrain Poptrop

sweet slumber ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

When you and 'the thing that expectant mothers and it is hoped' that baby 'to be healthy and be greeted with much love! Nine months seems interminable then comes the long awaited day when we will know our small ... we will catch a glance ... and 'love ... will last a lifetime! It 's a magic moment that, thank God I had the good fortune and honor to try twice ... there are also moments of discomfort you may ask .. well .. which is' we know very well. . it 's time Sleepy NIGHT!! If have a child who does not want to sleep, wakes up every time you grab the TV remote control or resting his head on the pillow to rest, do not be discouraged. The sleepless nights seem endless, with Sofia I labored two and half years then ended lactation (27 long months) and the nightmare 'over!
This brief would be comforting to many mothers who will be passing by and read! @ Domiziana I met through a very nice girl in sweet expecting her first child ... and decided to overcome this obstacle, however, ready 'to need a good luck and here she comes on stage!
Remember my guardian angels sleep ♥?? For understand those of the garland tilda.
Here it is ready to wish the many small and full of quiet nights sleep ... what you say will work?? I wish you so ... if this were to happen nn the best medicine and watch our little believe me it works because everything passes through the eyes of love in second place! I show you some details ... and 'a period clothes make love with the romantic ... balzette between pillowy hands
colors soft, neutral fabrics and
nn had to make a soft pink cloth in their hair!
forgot the angel will be used anche come fiocco nascita.
Con questo passo e chiudo vi auguro un sereno fine settimana,


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