Thursday, January 13, 2011

Budowa Klatki Burunduk

dormireeeeeeeee ......

Sonno, solo e tanto sonno . Ma come mai???? Ormai sono alla frutta e mi sento un cadavere ambulante, be' saprei anche la motivazione perche' in questo periodo mi sento proprio come questi Angioletti del sonno Tilda!!! Nn traete conclusioni nn sono in dolce attesa... e che da quando sono rientrata dalle vacanze sono stata assalita da una grande mole di lavoro!!!
Vi avevo accennato nel post precedente alcune collaborazioni ... nn per hour will reveal the secret ... you see the little angels are part along with other creations!
American cotton fabrics I used the soft color cream, cappuccino, chocolate ... and the dress I created a cliff to make it more 'romantic, suitable place to reside! Some details of the clothes

in the hair of the old pink roses in pannolenci and finally a nice pillowy!
These are the first work of the year 2011 .... then follow the new curtains in the living room that I just finished packing the posterior 'as soon as other work in progress!
Me no evil I sleep?? Just imagine what if I combine my skills in the middle of 'physical and psychological eehehehehh One moment ... but I should resize the night time they see me awake until one o'clock ! I take this opportunity to thank you for the comments had before the start sorry if I only do it now .... I love you ... your love fills me with happiness' know that reciprocation of the heart. Finally
greet his cousin Laura Country Style that you are 'enjoying a pleasant stay in the mythical Sardinia ... ahahahha nice nn get used to doing sweet nothing! And I offer my best wishes to my sweet friend Follett Paoletta forest of Camelot will soon become a mother! Kisses to


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