Monday, January 31, 2011

Lorena Herrera Big Breast

Cioccalatini heart with creamy Cheese Cake with Sour Cherry

begin the week of sweets .... cn cherry!
always love the Ameren and when I saw these wonderful chocolates Nanni I decided to do it!

Success is guaranteed, an infinite goodness, a shell of crunchy almonds and chocolate with a heart of creamy white chocolate with black cherry.
are very easy to play .. the procedure itself is very easy .. only time-outs are in the freezer + long.
At work then .. I take the words of Nanni perchè spiegano tutto nei dettagli!

Per circa 20 pezzi 
( io ho tagliato le amarene a metà, li ho fatti li grandezza media)

Cioccolato bianco 150 gr
Panna 50 gr
Amarene 24
Cioccolato fondente
Croccante di almonds 150 gr grain (maybe a simple grain toasted almonds)

Finely chop white chocolate and put into a bowl.
Boil the cream, throw in a shot over the chocolate and stir quickly until the dough is smooth and without lumps.
Cover the pan and transfer to the freezer for about 1 hour.

Meanwhile, drain the cherries and chocolates if you want to take only 12 small and cut in half.

Take the cup from the freezer and take one teaspoon of white chocolate ganache in small amounts, put the cherry in the center (or half) and roll between palms of hands quickly pull the ball to be placed in a time covered all the cherries, put the pot in the freezer another hour.

In the meantime put the kernels in a bowl.

Melt chocolate and tempering, take one ball at a time from the freezer (if necessary rounded back quickly between the palms), a dip in dark chocolate with a fork to pralinatura Drain off the excess chocolate and place it in the bowl of crispy.
shaking the bowl to roll the ball to cover it entirely of grain.
Allow to thicken for about ten seconds and then remove to paper cups.
Continue until all the balls, checking occasionally that the temperature of the chocolate will not fall over, in this case, transfer the bowl over a water bath and stirring chocolate to revive the 31-32 is needed to share with pralinature.
Store in the refrigerator and use within a week.

My comments:
this last sentence do not take into account because they will disappear in a day you all!

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Alone ♥ ♥ ♥

Hello dear friends,
finally alone ... a busy week I would say more '! With little affected nn 'was a pleasant quiet week .... and the nights were the best .. nn he often complained! Poor my baby ... it 's still on antibiotics due to an' acute tonsillitis associated with a rash like scarlet fever ... you can imagine the itching! However, today and 'round in kindergarten. .. now I have need to recover from his fever and lively ... even 'managed to make it quiet .... and 'What a miracle!
Non0stante everything I could to bring order to achieve this Summer Tilda Angel ... are usually very critical about everything that I sew ... EXCEPT this time ... and 'was love in every way! Nn I was really convinced of American cotton floral skirts that I used to ... I changed my mind ... this combined with cream-colored squares and 'HIS DEATH .... nn you agree?? Daniela I had expressly required to use soft colors on the shades' cream and cappuccino ... in particular I have deliberately used the brown socks .. for a gray cotton with white polka dots
the little button on the wool cloth strap
spighettina which finishes the dress ...
and between the soft hair of wool boucler (sewn entirely by hand glued nn I want to clarify because it takes me an hour per acconciarle ad opera)nn poteva mancare la rosellina in panno lenci!!!
Per ora e' tutto dalla vostra cara saluto affettuosamente.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Scientific Name For Nebraska Moleberrytree

parurina simple but I like the green used parecchio.Ho normally use a little but I must say that I'm satisfied.

lo schema è della bravissima Sabine Lippert

Bondril En France>bondril

Update .. Help

Ok ...ho capito che c'e' qualcosina che va in conflitto con la galleria dei miei lavori pubblicati in Picasa!!!In bacheca ci sono piu' di qualche post accumulati...sinceramente per ora nn ho ben capito il perche'...VI RINGRAZIO TUTTE!!

Lupus More Condition_symptoms>lupus[/url]

Ragazze mi e' stato riferito che il mio blog nn si aggiorna piu'!!!
Vi chiedo se potete togliere il link e rimetterlo...fatemi sapere ...NN SO' COSA FARE!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cartoon Child With Chickenpox

Un treno per Auschwitz

Un treno arriva, è carico di bimbi,
felici che il viaggio interminabile è finito.
E cantano gioiosi giocando nella neve.
Sorridendo gli aguzzini li accarezzano,
li portano alle docce. Son mille;
bimbi ignari, voci bianche, celestiali.
In tre ore mille bimbi sono morti.
Ricci d'oro in mezzo al fango e nell'aria,
i suoni delle risa, i sorrisi dentro al fumo.
La morte, sparpagliata with both hands over
tortured bodies.
The heads of the children sang.
Man, and the pit where it fell.
The snow falls sull'eccidio mild and do not cover it.

(Freely adapted from a story by a survivor)

Amphetrim Manufacturers

Good lunch ...

Buon pranzo carissime amiche..immagino che molte di voi working in the office have a break right now ... time to pay me a healthy right?? In the previous post
necklaces fancy fabric burberry nn I showed you everything, the fact that soon dearest Francesca diventera'mamma in these days take the opportunity to make them my most 'sincere wishes, has also kindly requested a clutch bag and keychain! The case that deliberately combined with the necklace with the yo-yo red with white polka dots .. will be a gift ... terrier keychain version of him and for the first time I have created a fantasy heart burberry keychain version .. what do you think?? For the record, the arm pains are almost gone so I No more 'excuses ... I can only just stretch! My sweet little daughter and a small house with a fever and I'm sincerely nn 'concluding that great' ... so I'm a bit 'fugitive .. needs a lot of pampering ... she usually wants them .. nn therefore take this opportunity to baciarmela all!
Greetings from home Apple Country

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Temporal Arthritis More Condition_treatment

I lost you gave for it?!
I have to wait, but did you start with the fireworks!
The sweet that I propose in the first post of 2011 is Cheese Cake.

The cheesecake has origins much closer than this che si è sempre creduto. Nasce infatti in Grecia come dolce servito agli atleti durante le gare atletiche. Furono poi i Romani a diffonderlo in tutta Europa e molti secoli dopo con gli immigrati, si diffuse anche in America .
Nel 1892 un lattaio americano di nome James L. Kraft , nel tentativo di ricreare un formaggio francese , incidentalmente inventò il formaggio fresco pastorizzato che poi chiamò Philadelphia e nel 1880 cominciò la grande diffusione di questo prodotto e il suo utilizzo per la preparazione della moderna cheesecake . 
E' un dolce che ha mille interpretazioni.. each person has their own .. there are those who use the Philadelphia, some eggs, who puts the cream ... in short, many variations!
What I propose today is to use mascarpone cheese and eggs.
The cream is soft and dense, with the cherries inside .. and garnish the whole black cherry jam as a cover that gives it a twist.

The recipe is my appearance obviously the comments of the bloggers who want to try this delight!

180 g of dry biscuits 100 g butter

CREAM 3 eggs
80 grams of sugar 1 tablespoon flour
250 g 250 g cheese
1bustina of 10-15 cherry vanilla
300 grams of black cherry jam (ovviam in pieces)
half a bag of cake gel

Finely chop the cookies and put them together with melted butter before.
Line a baking pan (I 26 cm I had it, but if you want to use too high a pan + 22 or 24 cm in diameter) and store in refrigerator.
Whip the egg yolks with sugar until the mixture is foamy, add the vanilla extract, a tablespoon of flour and mix well to avoid lumps.
Add mascarpone and ricotta alternately, in order to make the cream more malleable.
Whisk the egg whites and add to the mixture gently to not deflate.
Based on the sour mash biscuits so that there are on the surface.
Pour the cream into the biscuit base and place in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.
Do the toothpick test .. when it comes out dry, the cheese cake is cooked.
Meanwhile, prepare the cake according to instructions of the gel sachet: 125 gr di acqua con metà bustina e 2 cucchiai di zucchero. Portare tutto ad ebollizione x 1 minuto e la gelatina sarà pronta.
Scaldare a fiamma bassa la marmellata con 1 cucchiaio di acqua per renderla tiepida  e aggiungere la gelatina.
La salsa che si verrà a creare sarà bella lucida e corposa.
Quando la torta si sarà raffreddata versare sopra la salsa e riporla in frigo fino a consumazione.

Monday, January 24, 2011

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It was a long time since I had this oval cabo and I finally decided to follow incastonarlo.Ho explanations of Happyland dell'incas only up to the second row of swara, and I must say I'm great soddisfatissima.Più did not convince me so I think it's beautiful and I like it so much.

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It 's hard .....

Hello dear .... a 'more Monday' kicks off .. we know that most upsets the beginning of the week 'by some after a beautiful end ... duretta week is having to start over again! Of the many things I really ... to be placed in Monfalcone and that 'the sun came back accompanied by frost and wind thankfully granted the' drying clothes on the weekend! Now I've ironed and since they are in a mad frantic I washed tends ... then there would also be added to those mound! sincerely wants there in little more 'and I' got an inflammation of the tendons in the arm and I think that'll leave 'all outstanding! you what you been doing? ? Saturday I was at a girlfriend's birthday and yesterday I was in Sofia Udine ... we dined at a Brazilian restaurant I would say a great meat and fabulous shopping granted then we saw the sales for the record ... nn we have found much in return I bought some earrings .. you like?? In particular, I prefer those pending ... I'm so 'Vintage Nos think?? bought in Accessorize shop where things are super nice!
Still on the subject show you the latest jewelry necklaces burberry pattern fabric ...
some pearl
bows and yo-yo like flowers
of course a lot of imagination .. .. .. Some detail the staple
Francesca http://www.passionedeco-francesca.blogsp ... has already 'got a preview go ... to visit his blog he will be enchanted!
and 'I am excited and super happy!
friends will hug and greet you,

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Genital Warts Insymptoms

... ieri in Via Tasso .... da Cefalonia

Friday, January 21, 2011

Dansko Shoe Medford Oregon


know, is not the first place and who will not even because I like the last one in particular.

me this newsdealer asked my friend for Christmas but that Priod I was forced to rest with my hands but I've finally fatto.Speriamo like it (it was literally the innamorta mine and this is almost the same)

Funbrain Poptrop

sweet slumber ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

When you and 'the thing that expectant mothers and it is hoped' that baby 'to be healthy and be greeted with much love! Nine months seems interminable then comes the long awaited day when we will know our small ... we will catch a glance ... and 'love ... will last a lifetime! It 's a magic moment that, thank God I had the good fortune and honor to try twice ... there are also moments of discomfort you may ask .. well .. which is' we know very well. . it 's time Sleepy NIGHT!! If have a child who does not want to sleep, wakes up every time you grab the TV remote control or resting his head on the pillow to rest, do not be discouraged. The sleepless nights seem endless, with Sofia I labored two and half years then ended lactation (27 long months) and the nightmare 'over!
This brief would be comforting to many mothers who will be passing by and read! @ Domiziana I met through a very nice girl in sweet expecting her first child ... and decided to overcome this obstacle, however, ready 'to need a good luck and here she comes on stage!
Remember my guardian angels sleep ♥?? For understand those of the garland tilda.
Here it is ready to wish the many small and full of quiet nights sleep ... what you say will work?? I wish you so ... if this were to happen nn the best medicine and watch our little believe me it works because everything passes through the eyes of love in second place! I show you some details ... and 'a period clothes make love with the romantic ... balzette between pillowy hands
colors soft, neutral fabrics and
nn had to make a soft pink cloth in their hair!
forgot the angel will be used anche come fiocco nascita.
Con questo passo e chiudo vi auguro un sereno fine settimana,