Friday, October 1, 2010

Meanings Of Shag Bands


La tanto attesa Setteveli al Pistacchio finalmente è arrivata!!

and 'the passion I have for the pistachio .. I love it!
I discovered last year in Verona (where I study) due to an ice cream shop in Via Mazzini, beginning with the letter P. A. ......
Usually the pistachio ice cream has no flavor and deep green colors given.
What could instead just pistachio .. the color was a light khaki .. in short, the color of pistachio!
But notice the chatter and go!

The sponge cake was made with the procedure of the master Montersino I put the link

I just added a few tablespoons of pasta pistachio.

To sum up the creams than I had previously taken from the blog posted uncle Piero

Little Reminder ... composition of the cake from the bottom:

disc Chocolate
disc sponge pistachio
Thin layer of cream and Bavarian cream base for
Other disc of sponge cake with pistachio pistachio Bavarian
Last disc of sponge cake with pistachio
Chocolate Bavarian Chocolate Frosting

Disc chocolate
120 gr chocolate 60 gr corn flakes 50 grams of whole
crunchy pistachios
A little 'butter

Heat grains with butter (a little) then chop coarsely with the crisp (I put the link of crunchy hazelnut procedim is the .. lo stesso. dosi 50gr zucchero e 50gr pistacchi)

Unite il cioccolato fondente fuso e aiutandovi con una spatola appiattite il disco sulla carta da forno (dove precedentemente avrete disegnato la circonferenza); in breve il cioccolato si solidificherà. Sistematelo quindi nel congelatore.

250 gr latte
100 gr zucchero
35 gr amido di mais
2 tuorli
essenza di vaniglia

Preparate la base come preparereste una qualsiasi crema.

La pasta di pistacchio la potete ottenere semplicemente tritando in un mixer 75 gr di pistacchi tostati . Il risultato deve risultare un composto molto denso e cremoso, possibilmente privo di bricioline.

Mettete entrambi i preparati in frigorifero, ma non aspettate più di 24 ore per la fase successiva, per cui regolatevi voi con i tempi e gli impegni.
Ammollate 8 gr di colla di pesce, strizzateli per bene e uniteli ad una parte della base di Bavarian previously heated. Then add the remainder of the base of Bavaria. This compound will serve to make the three Bavarian later:


Bavarian base 125 gr 120 gr 70% dark chocolate 250 gr whipped cream

Bath Melt the chocolate and add it to the Bavarian base.
When the mixture has cooled, incorporate the whipped cream.


Bavarian base 150 gr 75 gr 250 gr pasta with pistachio whipped cream

Add Bavarian base paste, pistachio (pistachio nuts in a food processor blend until the dough). Stir in the whipped cream here.

The remaining base Bavarian
130 gr whipped cream

put all the creams in the fridge .. I I left a couple of Oretta
Then prepare all the tools .. I took a baking sheet steel of 24 cm and I lined with foil so that it adheres to the pan slightly greased with butter .. the result was not perfect as with the use of acetate, but unfortunately I did not and I have arranged!

assemble the cake in the order:
Chocolate Bavarian
Then hard pan dispagna
pistachio Bavarian
Other disc of sponge pistachio cake
Sottile strato crema di base per le bavaresi e panna
Disco di Pandispagna al Pistacchio
e per ultimo il disco di cioccolato

Disco di pan di spagna sopra la bavarese di pistacchio

Bavarese alla panna sopra al disco di pan di spagna

E per concludere il disco di cioccolato

put everything in the freezer for congelamentoLa icing you could take away a couple of hours.
After the cake needs a rest in the refrigerator for at least 6-12 hours, though to be enjoyed the best I have found that 24 hours is ideal.


The frosting recipe is used by Piero "Icing Fagiotto" (honestly I do not mean to glasse .. but I must say that this is superb and will use it often moooolto , then it is really gorgeous .. beautiful smooth, without lumps and releases a delicious aroma of chocolate!)

175 gr water 150 gr sugar 225 gr cream

75 g cocoa powder 8 g gelatine soaked in cold water

Mix well for powders and liquids and cooled to a temperature of about 103/104 degrees.
Let cool to a temperature of 50 °. Add the gelatine, previously soaked in cold water and drained well and is cool.
Meanwhile prepare a ciotolone, grill and a pasta bowl.
I used the grill of the oven and put it on a large aluminum bowl.

When the temperature reaches 35 ° glaze, remove the cake from the freezer, place it on the grill

the cake on the grill

E glassatela completely! store in refrigerator until the end! unfortunately I have no photos of the piece because it was eaten immediately! I hope you enjoyed!


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