Monday, October 25, 2010

How To Hack A 3 Dongle /

a treat .... Almond Macaroons with Cherries

good start all week, today I propose a treat it went like hot cakes this weekend ... a variation to the macaroons that I proposed last year.
I state that I love cherries, where can I add them in any recipe .... and I said why not add them to my favorite dessert?!
I had already made last year but I had never photographed.

fact I decided to put them in the collection of laginestraeilmare dedicata alle mandorle.

Ps: Io di solito prendo le lattine di amarene dove c'รจ sia il frutto che lo sciroppo ( sono precandite e conservate nello sciroppo di zucchero).
Sono facili da realizzare e molto buoni da gustare per chi adora l pasta di mandorle.


250 grams of shelled almonds
150 grams of powdered sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
a small vial of almond aroma
grated rind of 1 lemon
2 egg whites (I never use them all)
drained 10 cherry halves


Place in a food processor blanched almonds, the szucchero icing, vanilla lemon zest and a pinch of salt and aroma of the tube.
Blend all the ingredients until you get a very fine flour.
Whisk egg whites until stiff and gently add the mixture until it forms a ball that will leave to rest for about an hour. After this time, roll into balls.
since last year I do the big balls + helps to keep the cookies soft +, I'll come around 20.
Open balls and place within half black cherry, close everything and give a round shape. They should not be crushed because then take the shape during cooking. Next step in powdered sugar.
Take them on a baking sheet and bake at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.
must not only become dark brown.
Allow to cool and put on a piece of black cherry to bring up the filling.
In this case it was to distinguish them from traditional ones.


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