Friday, October 22, 2010

How To Unlock Motorola Tfc139b

Torinesi Grissini Sesame

To round off the week .. here is a range of salt accompanamento!
Breadsticks Sesame Simili sisters! I love the sesame, which releases the fragrance is not just toast .. and the combination with this mixture could not be more appropriate.

The Their peculiarity is to be stretched, ie very thin and crisp.
The ease with which they eat and make them unique.
Not at all similar are famous for their leavened products, which turn out to be flawless every time!
They look like sticks that are commonly found in the super market .. crumbly and crisp.

Ingredients 500g flour 00 g water
15g fresh yeast
8g salt (un cucchiaino colmo)
50g di olio d’oliva
1 cucchiaino raso di malto d’orzo (io avevo il miele)
tanti semi di sesamo tostati ( a seconda del vostro gusto)
farina di semola di grano duro
altro olio per pennellare


Amalgamare in una ciotola capiente tutti gli ingredienti (il sale va messo per ultimo) e impastare il tutto fino a formare un panetto. 
Modellarlo a forma di filone di circa 10×30, appoggiarlo su uno strato generoso di semola di grano duro. 
Pennellare la superficie e i lati con abbondante olio d’oliva and sprinkle all over with another meal.
Bell Cover and let rise for one hour.
from the short side with a knife to cut a stick about a finger wide. Pull gently to form the classic form of breadsticks.
Put them on a baking sheet spaced between them in baking because it will tend to grow.
Ps: The detached pieces of bread stick can not be mixed again, and you have to cook them as is (are those that are eaten first).
Bake immediately in preheated oven at 200 ° for 18-20 minutes.


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