Monday, October 18, 2010

Indiana Cna License Requirements

Pink Ribbon Campaign

I felt compelled to make public on this important campaign for the prevention of breast cancer promoted by Pink Ribbon .
An area of \u200b\u200binformation and reflection that concerns all of us women!

Francesca will Senette, journalist and television host, la testimonial dell’edizione 2010 della Campagna Nastro Rosa , dedicata alla prevenzione del tumore al seno . Ad ottobre, infatti, la LILT (Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori) ed Estée Lauder Companies, società leader nella profumeria di prestigio, torneranno in prima linea nella lotta a questa grave patologia neoplastica, che registra annualmente un’incidenza sempre maggiore.

La Campagna Nastro Rosa , ideata nel 1989 negli Stati Uniti da Evelyn Lauder e promossa in tutto il mondo, ha come obiettivo quello di sensibilizzare un numero sempre wider range of women on ' vital importance of prevention and early detection of breast cancer and inform the public about women also properly healthy lifestyle to take and the diagnostic checks to be carried out .

Breast Cancer and the importance of early diagnosis

Throughout the Western world, breast cancer cancer is the first female number of cases and its incidence is increasing, so to be regarded as a real social disease. In Italy it is estimated that in 2010 new cases of breast cancer will rise to about 42 thousand . Defeating disease is possible in most cases, mainly due to diagnostic anticipation and prevention.
"PREVENT AND 'LIFE" slogan LILIT sponsored by the Italian League Against Cancer, the only public body on existing membership base in Italy with the specific aim to conquer cancer.

The mission
The main objective of LILT is to defeat cancer through primary prevention, secondary and tertiary education. Prevention, in fact, is considered by always the priority mission in the LILT - as evidenced by the very same pay-off "Prevention is living" - and still represents the most effective weapon in the fight against cancer. A fact confirmed by the reduced mortality and by lengthening and improving the quality of life of cancer patients.

The LILT has always been a point of reference in the field of cancer prevention, both in Italy and abroad, offering many services and by, through agreements and memoranda of understanding, exchange information and experiences in order to establish and implement profitable synergies. Undoubtedly, the promotion and implementation of a culture of prevention (primary, secondary and tertiary) as a way of life is the main activity of LILT. For this is the largest association dedicated to the fight against cancer, understood in all its aspects.
Primary prevention: proper nutrition, physical activity and health education attraverso la diffusione di materiale didattico-informativo (campagne di sensibilizzazione, incontri nelle scuole, ecc.), realizzazione di eventi a carattere provinciale e regionale; manifestazioni a carattere nazionale; lotta al tabagismo (percorsi per smettere di fumare, campagne informative, linea verde SOS LILT 800 998877).
Prevenzione secondaria : visite specialistiche ed esami per la diagnosi precoce, con l’obiettivo di identificare lesioni tumorali allo stadio iniziale, aumentando così notevolmente la possibilità di completa guarigione, ricorrendo a cure sempre meno aggressive.
Prevenzione terziaria : riabilitazione fisica, psichica, social and employment of cancer patients. And 'this is a valuable task that LILT is able to offer thanks to the Departments of Provincial Prevention of points (clinics) and in collaboration with the National Health Service.
Home care: a precious complement to hospital care, through the Provincial Departments LILT, which provide assistance to medical, psychological, nursing, and in many cases also psycho-social and economic development. Particular attention to the cancer patient, to build around him a network of solidarity and sharing, security and information services, to offer the certainty of not being alone. In this regard, the LILT ha contribuito in maniera sostanziale alla redazione e promozione del Manifesto dei Diritti del Malato Oncologico, che tutela il malato e la sua famiglia sia in ambito lavorativo che sociale, prendendosi cura della sua esistenza.

Visitate il sito di Nastro Rosa e aderite il più possibile per diffondere questo messaggio di speranza!!



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