Monday, February 28, 2011

Missouri Non Traditional Teachers License

Farewell ...

now you know that I always have too many things that I mix for the head ... so 'many paragraphs that I almost never put them to good use .... this time I are peaking and I gave rein to my creativity 'creating at least one of my small projects! Make your own hands with great satisfaction from small things, then let's also the utilities' we are proud of what we create even more '! A short plastic bags will be a thing of the past ... the 2007 budget that this year 's gave way to the prohibition of the production.
few days ago, 'I went to buy a couple of things ... the cashier at the grocery store as usual, I asked the common plastic bag which I nn and' state because ... they were exhausted and so 'I was like a COD! Since
'never again wants the undersigned nn' being unprepared decided to make his .. nn any shopper that goes unnoticed ... realizzata in lino ecru arricchita con questo nastro di misto lino color cioccolata e foderata  con del cotone super resistente !!Il modello lo disegnato  prendendo spunto da una delle  shopper zakka Style designer Jappan!!    Il risultato mi  ha davvero tanto entusiasmata da decidere di indossarla
 come borsa  per la prossima stagione...magari  abbinandola a dei freschi abiti  . Infine chicca delle chicche ho realizzato un utile   portachiavi gufo che sara' sempre a portata di mano ... stesse tonalita'....  sempre design Zakka Style ... what do you say?? And you are definitely ready to greet the dear and old plastic bags? I did now its your turn ... bacissimiiiiiiiiii


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