Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hotel Marqiz Bucuresti


is approaching the weekend and I propose to you a cake that I have experienced a few days ago.
Another tribute to Nanni .. because I made her Kranz !

good breakfast pastries, snacks and even dessert! inside soft and very fragrant .. I unfortunately do not I had the exact weight of raisins and I added some crumbled amaretti .. and the result was more than satisfactory!

It keeps well in the bag nilon and remains as soft as freshly baked.
But let's start now .. because as you know I love action and not words!


puff pastry 300 g flour (W300) 300 grams (70% 30% Manitoba flour pizza)
Latte 75 gr

Malt Yeast 7 grams 2 large eggs 1 teaspoon
( +1 small for brushing)
sugar 50 g butter 100 g

grated rind of 1 / 2 orange 150 g Raisins

orange and lime peel around
100 gr granulated sugar pinch salt

Procedure Dissolve yeast and malt in the warmed milk and pour it into the center of the flour made fountain.
With a whisk to mix what little needed to obtain a flour batter.
Cover and allow to swell (about 1h)

Take out the butter from the fridge, crush and soften the amount they need Startup and grate over the zest of half orange. Add the dough with
yeast a slightly beaten egg at a time and half sugar additions alternating with the flour and mixing well after each addition.
Finally add salt and a handful of flour and set aside to string.
Add the softened butter with the orange one third at a time waiting for the absorption of a perfect addition to another.
reversing string if necessary and then put the dough in the closure to rest in a greased bowl.

After 30 'put in refrigerator at 5 ° for 12-18h max

Replace covered at room temperature but the bell at least 30' before.

Give a couple of rounds of type 2 folds (there are always good) and always leave covered under the closing bell for 15 'or so, then form.

Forming Roll out the pastry and puff pastry into two rectangles of equal size (30x25 approssimarivamente).
From each dough will get 3 equal rectangles (approximately 10x25 cm).
Mix together raisins and candied fruit and distribute evenly divided on five of six rectangular surfaces previously just beaten egg to brush, leaving free a strip of puff pastry. Overlap layers
second part of a layer of brioche dough and ending with the free pastry.
Mash slightly with a rolling pin (preferably with a bit of plastic wrap in half) and then grabbing the ends Kranz twist about the longitudinal axis.

Place on a plate covered with a sheet of baking paper, brush briefly with the egg and sprinkle with granulated sugar.

Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 40 'or so.
Here's the result!


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