Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Brazilian Waxing Delhi

Today I feel ....

Io sono la primavera

Lucciole belle, venite da me;
I am princess, I am a king's daughter. I
gold yarn braids until I
a nightingale singing on a pine tree, a wreath of
nests to the eaves, a cascade of wisteria
a garrulous brook, clear, fresh,
almond blossoms, cherry blossoms . I
green gown sewn wind
whole small flowers bloomed;
eyes of stars in the serene face,
sweet scent of violets and hay
and the peaceful sleep of children happy
the lullaby of the crickets.

Here's how they are today .... serene ... the beautiful sunny days of these days I have posted .... new projects and ideas for next easter ... you are in the pipeline to work??
This wreath outside the city and 'the whole spring,

despite the bitter cold and the spring still far I prepare to welcome in the best way .... so I kicked off the preparations for decoration!
Materials used are felt and felt fine ... lend themselves very well and are easy to process.

The large flowers are naturally a bit 'more' ... we need to achieve in the longish cut petal by petal and bit n 'patience and hot glue to the game and' the fact ... butterflies
are felt thin to give a more 'supported this .. and' the model I used (click on and print)

You can also try to implement it you will see will give you 'a charge in piu' .... for the little flowers will be enough 'to cut the thin strips and roll ... if you have difficulties' be enough 'to ask I will give you' happy to help.

kisses and good decoration at all, Apple


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