Monday, February 28, 2011

Custom Aluminum Boats

COMITES GRECIA TRA FALSITA 'E ILLEGALITA' (lettera completa inviata al Direttore)

Al Director of Eureka

To Article: Italian sui generis?


Once again we tell the story of the old bales Comites Greece and from 'still an easy opportunity' to our community 'does not believe in this institution because': do not and fight anything only!

And for more 'the institutions responsible for its operation, agree to conduct clearly unlawful' or at best, show. ... Not to know!

Result: When the elections are held this important representative body of the community 'is still low number of voters.

Having had the luck-bad luck to the President, as well as Director for 10 years of the magazine Identity '. ... The beginning of my office I immediately Turns programs with elaborate steps and very ambitious (research work, assistance elderly, scholarships, award Comites, history of the Italians, etc.) with attention to the social problems of fellow residents, accounting for Comites a landmark of the community 'Italian in Greece.

Unfortunately, however, 'when we were elected, our list (Il Tricolore) but received at least' 51% of the votes, which would give him seven councilors, lost one to the list of Blue, 'cause the law provides electoral quota for a scrap, and this was' the first and last time that the institutions ... ... diligently apply the law like a glove!

(While and 'remember that already' in accepting the list of blue-consciously accepted false signatures, all things shall be recorded on time!)

And here begins the tribulations of this Committee, six against six soldiers.

And as they made their programs and activities 'for our Communities' boycotted the six blue compact everything and doing all miss the number of members present to vote. Reason: the temporary seat was President and there was a conflict of interest, why did not you pay more 'rent, water, light, building etc.. (Evicted from the old location we had obtained permission from the Minister Tremaglia to move into the headquarters of the Italian Institute of Culture)

The Azzurri then asked to assemble indirre Consulate or the Italian School: easily done, we went to both schools, both at the Consulate ... .. notice and agenda duly communicated.

Nothing to be done. The group of blue block away ... .. had things more 'important things to do.

All blue advisers had exceeded the 3 consecutive absences thoroughly unjustified and the law will automatically include their decay.

duly formalized request to the authorities' diplomatic communications with CGIE and also to the MFA.

This would allow us to 6 on the list Tricolore will refer to legally operate the Committee, as required by law, since 'there was ancora una maggioranza ,e anche perche’ ,sempre la legge!...prevede lo scioglimento del Comitato quando il numero dei consiglieri scende al di sotto della meta’ meno uno!


Costretti allo scioglimento!

Segue consegna della documentazione in ambasciata (e 30 euro relativi a 3 abbonamenti Identita’)…..alle 10,00 del 26-5-2008.

In un ennesimo comunicato stampa continuo a denunciare il comportamento illegale dei responsabili della rappresentanza diplomatica,nonostante il Ministero sia stato sempre di tutt’altra opinione.

Il 21/1/2009 consegno al Commissario appointed by Frattini the sum of Euro 38,446.50.

As for the new Comites, which I really wanted, although it has completely freed of the blue seems to be a Conclave, and the opportunity to ask publicly:

1) when they published the minutes of the assembly?

2) when published estimates and statements?

3) 's true that the meetings give the directors absent delegation, not provided for by law, those present? (Deliberations void)

4) and which' was the use of contributions allocated to the periodic ministerial Identity '?

5) who were given the money collected pro quake L'Aquila?

6) after the resignation of many directors when they will know 'the actual number of directors in office?

Angelo Saracini

Former President Greece


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