Monday, February 28, 2011

Custom Aluminum Boats

COMITES GRECIA TRA FALSITA 'E ILLEGALITA' (lettera completa inviata al Direttore)

Al Director of Eureka

To Article: Italian sui generis?


Once again we tell the story of the old bales Comites Greece and from 'still an easy opportunity' to our community 'does not believe in this institution because': do not and fight anything only!

And for more 'the institutions responsible for its operation, agree to conduct clearly unlawful' or at best, show. ... Not to know!

Result: When the elections are held this important representative body of the community 'is still low number of voters.

Having had the luck-bad luck to the President, as well as Director for 10 years of the magazine Identity '. ... The beginning of my office I immediately Turns programs with elaborate steps and very ambitious (research work, assistance elderly, scholarships, award Comites, history of the Italians, etc.) with attention to the social problems of fellow residents, accounting for Comites a landmark of the community 'Italian in Greece.

Unfortunately, however, 'when we were elected, our list (Il Tricolore) but received at least' 51% of the votes, which would give him seven councilors, lost one to the list of Blue, 'cause the law provides electoral quota for a scrap, and this was' the first and last time that the institutions ... ... diligently apply the law like a glove!

(While and 'remember that already' in accepting the list of blue-consciously accepted false signatures, all things shall be recorded on time!)

And here begins the tribulations of this Committee, six against six soldiers.

And as they made their programs and activities 'for our Communities' boycotted the six blue compact everything and doing all miss the number of members present to vote. Reason: the temporary seat was President and there was a conflict of interest, why did not you pay more 'rent, water, light, building etc.. (Evicted from the old location we had obtained permission from the Minister Tremaglia to move into the headquarters of the Italian Institute of Culture)

The Azzurri then asked to assemble indirre Consulate or the Italian School: easily done, we went to both schools, both at the Consulate ... .. notice and agenda duly communicated.

Nothing to be done. The group of blue block away ... .. had things more 'important things to do.

All blue advisers had exceeded the 3 consecutive absences thoroughly unjustified and the law will automatically include their decay.

duly formalized request to the authorities' diplomatic communications with CGIE and also to the MFA.

This would allow us to 6 on the list Tricolore will refer to legally operate the Committee, as required by law, since 'there was ancora una maggioranza ,e anche perche’ ,sempre la legge!...prevede lo scioglimento del Comitato quando il numero dei consiglieri scende al di sotto della meta’ meno uno!


Costretti allo scioglimento!

Segue consegna della documentazione in ambasciata (e 30 euro relativi a 3 abbonamenti Identita’)…..alle 10,00 del 26-5-2008.

In un ennesimo comunicato stampa continuo a denunciare il comportamento illegale dei responsabili della rappresentanza diplomatica,nonostante il Ministero sia stato sempre di tutt’altra opinione.

Il 21/1/2009 consegno al Commissario appointed by Frattini the sum of Euro 38,446.50.

As for the new Comites, which I really wanted, although it has completely freed of the blue seems to be a Conclave, and the opportunity to ask publicly:

1) when they published the minutes of the assembly?

2) when published estimates and statements?

3) 's true that the meetings give the directors absent delegation, not provided for by law, those present? (Deliberations void)

4) and which' was the use of contributions allocated to the periodic ministerial Identity '?

5) who were given the money collected pro quake L'Aquila?

6) after the resignation of many directors when they will know 'the actual number of directors in office?

Angelo Saracini

Former President Greece

Missouri Non Traditional Teachers License

Farewell ...

now you know that I always have too many things that I mix for the head ... so 'many paragraphs that I almost never put them to good use .... this time I are peaking and I gave rein to my creativity 'creating at least one of my small projects! Make your own hands with great satisfaction from small things, then let's also the utilities' we are proud of what we create even more '! A short plastic bags will be a thing of the past ... the 2007 budget that this year 's gave way to the prohibition of the production.
few days ago, 'I went to buy a couple of things ... the cashier at the grocery store as usual, I asked the common plastic bag which I nn and' state because ... they were exhausted and so 'I was like a COD! Since
'never again wants the undersigned nn' being unprepared decided to make his .. nn any shopper that goes unnoticed ... realizzata in lino ecru arricchita con questo nastro di misto lino color cioccolata e foderata  con del cotone super resistente !!Il modello lo disegnato  prendendo spunto da una delle  shopper zakka Style designer Jappan!!    Il risultato mi  ha davvero tanto entusiasmata da decidere di indossarla
 come borsa  per la prossima stagione...magari  abbinandola a dei freschi abiti  . Infine chicca delle chicche ho realizzato un utile   portachiavi gufo che sara' sempre a portata di mano ... stesse tonalita'....  sempre design Zakka Style ... what do you say?? And you are definitely ready to greet the dear and old plastic bags? I did now its your turn ... bacissimiiiiiiiiii

Saturday, February 26, 2011

South Park Le Films En Streaming


herringbone.Mi just like this was the first technique I learned in this bracelet and I like the effect of fabric and color of these cubes myiuki 3 mm . Meros
Thanks to the garden of the pearls for having "inspired" after his Bisto a beautiful bracelet in black and white. (Always with beautiful cubic optical effect).

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Palpitations, Clipart

Cocodeeeeee .....

A small gift of creative sewing with attached tutorial for all my dear friends and anonymous readers! A nice idea suitable to decorate your table in anticipation of Easter .. I would try maybe we'd use the different tissues. Good work


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Synthroid And Fibroid Tumors


pleasure from the works of Stephen I fell in love with his beautiful bracelet 5 buttons ( # q = +5 + cuff button & hl = en & sa = G & BIW = 1600 & BiH PRMD = 799 & source = & univ = ivns & vid = tbs: TBO = 1 & ei = u & & see Aw1lTYfnCoHYgQeOucy1Bw 0CCQQqwQ & fp = = 3cc8d2470bfa9e5a )
I liked the idea of \u200b\u200bthe color and everything so I shamelessly copied by just changing the colors and making a necklace instead of a bracelet. Thanks
Stefania !!
I should go to ilo visit his blog you will find things beautiful, well made and also tutorials.

here still lacked the tiny rhinestones that I pasted in the center and in failing to provide what he said Stephanie Vevo I put the buttons at home, uniting two due.Il a result I would say it is perfect.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Pancreatitis More Condition_symptoms Cronic


è bellissimo vero?E non l'ho fatto io,ma una ragazza del mio paese,Nadia Rinaldi, che fa cose meravigliose con questa tecnica (il netting) che noi stiamo scoprendo in questo periodo.Questo elefantino è stato fatto 6 anni fa,quando ancora questa tecnica da noi era sconosciuta.peccato che Nadia non abbia un blog dove far vedere le cose magnifiche che   realizza,ma spero di potervi postare ancora qualche cosa di suo.merita merita davvero.

Mount And Blade Finding The Hairs

Funny and useful ...

eheheheehe am alive ... more and more 'difficult to reconcile the various commitments riusulta .. losers and' always be my blogghino! Cosette I have a lot to show you ... As I mentioned in my lab work a lot during this time ... for now you are happy with what I think is nice ultimato.Realizzare animals for all .. then let's also the utility 'and the same' even better! The cute kittens continue to appear in my way .. this time in another guise. Thanks to Frank, with whom I started a collaboration which I'll talk about 'in another moment I realized that these two copriteiere cat had already sewn' in the past. This applies to the news in a black dress as requested .. seen the color I thought it could be special in the Burberry pattern fabric ... I admit that in the complex and 'really nice ... promoted and included in the Burberry line of accessories for Apple Country! What do you think? Maybe in a modern kitchen would suit us?? There lighthouse 'know more' in the 'if it has' been successful! Since the moment I wish you good only nn earlier this week but good lunch .. I will try 'to update too often overlooked nn! I greet you affectionately


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Milena Velba And Nadine Jansen Forum

raining!! But I want to give you these tiny iris, planted to play with my grandson Matthew and giving us that are opening their wonderful color

flourished iris

In winter, were bare,
when the sun slept, then
, the first heat, the flowers are
What beautiful! They look like purple, but looking at them closely

are dressed in blue.
My love, as in vision
I saw your dreams
faces without eyes,
your toys,
butterflies with wings
holes with patches added. The thief will return

the stolen goods, but if you want
well, a little 'heat
feel and a beautiful iris bloom

the balcony of our house.

Fabio Mancini

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Objawienia Sw Teresy Z Avilla


Roseton Mireya here you will find the pattern
by Mireya
Elegance Earrings Juanita Carlos

know, did I tell you that for a while I would not have più fatti passione è più forte e quando ne vedo uno che mi piace particolarmente non riesco a non farlo.Poi sto già pensando che qundo andrò in vacanza nel mio adorato Abruzzo troverò le mie amiche e ci penseranno loro a dimezzarmi la mia "raccolta",perciò è meglio che mi faccia una buona scorta.Spero anche quesa volta vi possano naturalmente ne sono innamorata
Herringbone Cluster di Laura McCabe  In questo modello che avevo già fatto ho sostituito le perle da  con altrettante da 4 mmm,così è meno pesante da portare

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wizje Sw Teresy Z Avila


when I saw this beautiful Peppina created by Ross I said to myself ...... this is me !!!!! and I brought it back in time: not because I am so beautiful but depopulated because when this song (it was 1971) every time you take a coffee in the office (then there was still a coin-operated machines and we used with mocha coffee courtesy of the boss (I was lucky enough to work with people beautiful)) and co-workers sang in the choir me! I am named Josephine and then I was 21 ,,,,,, that the good times and good coffee Peppina !!!!!!
Ross Thank you dear for making me remember the beautiful moments.

John Deere Floor Mats

here is my Angel to continue the game Renata CollanaAngelica.
E 'in brich stitck technique that I love and I love that too little angel beat
Thanks Renata

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Samples Of Simple Handwritten Wills

GUEST POST ..... Love ♥ ♥

Dear friends, today is the guest of Consuelo ... cute girl with a passion for furniture all its forms! Apple

Monday, February 14, 2011

Eurosport St950 Review

If love is calling you ... go.
follow it, so can the
gird up his arms, and you

no hesitation in commending the soul.

will lead you to difficult roads and steep. Or

will be ready to hide,
with soft feathers,
a dagger ready to cut you.
And at the rate of heart appeal
gustatene the pleasure of her voice.
Love can dissolve
your dreams as the north wind
upsets the garden. Since
crowns and crucified. And how does

bloom so it is ready to cut.

Or can you go to your top
to fondle
tenderest branches that quiver in the sun. Or get off

to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.

(K. Gibran)
They say that true love needs no words but lives on looks ... but 'how can' resist a love poem on the day of love??
Today, I liked the idea of \u200b\u200bstarting the post with this hymn to love ... I guess many of you expect the nn Valentine's Day to show their love for the partner .. pero 'I like the idea that this day makes everything a bit 'more' romantic atmosphere of the couple!
I also want to make my evening a little bit 'more' romantic other .. cook 'a little something special .. hehe I suggested the maritozzi to cook the fish .... the wine I'll think about 'him ... and if you have recipe suggestions are welcome!
nn My husband will be 'the only one to be pampered in fact the husband of the sweet and nice Rosita this morning received a special pamper ... here is what he found hanging from the rearview mirror of his car ... an angel in shades of pink Tilda lavender and lovely little heart in his hands remembers that 'their love every morning when you go 'to work! Rosita and 'would add a really nice girl exuberant, few @ in two Oretta concluded by a phone call .. and this' happened on Thursday 'afternoon ... I convinced her to pack an Angel on Friday in record time ..' the angel of love was on the road !
Still on the theme of lavender scented linen I packed the Vintage images with a little 'Country Chic ... I love these cages ... I used the technique of printing on fabric ... made up of raw linen ... and news 'print and' made on paper that used by fioristi.Quest 'last image and' was designed by Mara ! This solution I find it fantastic as the scent of lavender breathes much better .... try it to believe it.
An affectionate greeting from your Meletta romantic.