Monday, October 25, 2010

What Should Cm Look Like Before Menstruation]what

pie scented winter

what to cook in a day fredda e grigia??!
In questo periodo si ha voglia di qualcosa di sfizioso e caldo.. insomma un prodotto da forno.. e perchè non una torta salata?
In frigo avevo gli ingredienti principali... un rotolo di pasta sfoglia e del gorgonzola cremosopoi ho usato la creatività!
aprendo la dispensa e rovistando tra i prodotti ho trovato quello che faceva per me..
E il risultato è stato quello di una torta profumata e gustosa... davvero facile da fare.. circa 10 min!


1 roll of puff pastry
150-200 g of gorgonzola dolce
1 small jar of mushrooms in oil drained
100g chopped ham
1 white onion sliced \u200b\u200bvery thin
3 generous handfuls of grated Parmesan cheese slices 1
4 tablespoons milk

Roll the dough into the baking paper on a pan of 26 cm in diameter and have a little edge to contain the filling.
Put in the diced gorgonzola, mushrooms, ham, onion and sprinkle everything with grit.
Break slices on them to create an additional crust (which already will be formed with the grain)
and sprinkle with milk.
Bake in preheated oven at 200 ° for 30 min. Serve hot or warm.
That's it .. prepared in 10 min a delicious cake that can be served as a main dish, such as a second appetizer.

with this cake I participate in the contest of Veronica cucinadeliziosa

How To Hack A 3 Dongle /

a treat .... Almond Macaroons with Cherries

good start all week, today I propose a treat it went like hot cakes this weekend ... a variation to the macaroons that I proposed last year.
I state that I love cherries, where can I add them in any recipe .... and I said why not add them to my favorite dessert?!
I had already made last year but I had never photographed.

fact I decided to put them in the collection of laginestraeilmare dedicata alle mandorle.

Ps: Io di solito prendo le lattine di amarene dove c'è sia il frutto che lo sciroppo ( sono precandite e conservate nello sciroppo di zucchero).
Sono facili da realizzare e molto buoni da gustare per chi adora l pasta di mandorle.


250 grams of shelled almonds
150 grams of powdered sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
a small vial of almond aroma
grated rind of 1 lemon
2 egg whites (I never use them all)
drained 10 cherry halves


Place in a food processor blanched almonds, the szucchero icing, vanilla lemon zest and a pinch of salt and aroma of the tube.
Blend all the ingredients until you get a very fine flour.
Whisk egg whites until stiff and gently add the mixture until it forms a ball that will leave to rest for about an hour. After this time, roll into balls.
since last year I do the big balls + helps to keep the cookies soft +, I'll come around 20.
Open balls and place within half black cherry, close everything and give a round shape. They should not be crushed because then take the shape during cooking. Next step in powdered sugar.
Take them on a baking sheet and bake at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.
must not only become dark brown.
Allow to cool and put on a piece of black cherry to bring up the filling.
In this case it was to distinguish them from traditional ones.

Friday, October 22, 2010

How To Unlock Motorola Tfc139b

Torinesi Grissini Sesame

To round off the week .. here is a range of salt accompanamento!
Breadsticks Sesame Simili sisters! I love the sesame, which releases the fragrance is not just toast .. and the combination with this mixture could not be more appropriate.

The Their peculiarity is to be stretched, ie very thin and crisp.
The ease with which they eat and make them unique.
Not at all similar are famous for their leavened products, which turn out to be flawless every time!
They look like sticks that are commonly found in the super market .. crumbly and crisp.

Ingredients 500g flour 00 g water
15g fresh yeast
8g salt (un cucchiaino colmo)
50g di olio d’oliva
1 cucchiaino raso di malto d’orzo (io avevo il miele)
tanti semi di sesamo tostati ( a seconda del vostro gusto)
farina di semola di grano duro
altro olio per pennellare


Amalgamare in una ciotola capiente tutti gli ingredienti (il sale va messo per ultimo) e impastare il tutto fino a formare un panetto. 
Modellarlo a forma di filone di circa 10×30, appoggiarlo su uno strato generoso di semola di grano duro. 
Pennellare la superficie e i lati con abbondante olio d’oliva and sprinkle all over with another meal.
Bell Cover and let rise for one hour.
from the short side with a knife to cut a stick about a finger wide. Pull gently to form the classic form of breadsticks.
Put them on a baking sheet spaced between them in baking because it will tend to grow.
Ps: The detached pieces of bread stick can not be mixed again, and you have to cook them as is (are those that are eaten first).
Bake immediately in preheated oven at 200 ° for 18-20 minutes.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Indiana Cna License Requirements

Pink Ribbon Campaign

I felt compelled to make public on this important campaign for the prevention of breast cancer promoted by Pink Ribbon .
An area of \u200b\u200binformation and reflection that concerns all of us women!

Francesca will Senette, journalist and television host, la testimonial dell’edizione 2010 della Campagna Nastro Rosa , dedicata alla prevenzione del tumore al seno . Ad ottobre, infatti, la LILT (Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori) ed Estée Lauder Companies, società leader nella profumeria di prestigio, torneranno in prima linea nella lotta a questa grave patologia neoplastica, che registra annualmente un’incidenza sempre maggiore.

La Campagna Nastro Rosa , ideata nel 1989 negli Stati Uniti da Evelyn Lauder e promossa in tutto il mondo, ha come obiettivo quello di sensibilizzare un numero sempre wider range of women on ' vital importance of prevention and early detection of breast cancer and inform the public about women also properly healthy lifestyle to take and the diagnostic checks to be carried out .

Breast Cancer and the importance of early diagnosis

Throughout the Western world, breast cancer cancer is the first female number of cases and its incidence is increasing, so to be regarded as a real social disease. In Italy it is estimated that in 2010 new cases of breast cancer will rise to about 42 thousand . Defeating disease is possible in most cases, mainly due to diagnostic anticipation and prevention.
"PREVENT AND 'LIFE" slogan LILIT sponsored by the Italian League Against Cancer, the only public body on existing membership base in Italy with the specific aim to conquer cancer.

The mission
The main objective of LILT is to defeat cancer through primary prevention, secondary and tertiary education. Prevention, in fact, is considered by always the priority mission in the LILT - as evidenced by the very same pay-off "Prevention is living" - and still represents the most effective weapon in the fight against cancer. A fact confirmed by the reduced mortality and by lengthening and improving the quality of life of cancer patients.

The LILT has always been a point of reference in the field of cancer prevention, both in Italy and abroad, offering many services and by, through agreements and memoranda of understanding, exchange information and experiences in order to establish and implement profitable synergies. Undoubtedly, the promotion and implementation of a culture of prevention (primary, secondary and tertiary) as a way of life is the main activity of LILT. For this is the largest association dedicated to the fight against cancer, understood in all its aspects.
Primary prevention: proper nutrition, physical activity and health education attraverso la diffusione di materiale didattico-informativo (campagne di sensibilizzazione, incontri nelle scuole, ecc.), realizzazione di eventi a carattere provinciale e regionale; manifestazioni a carattere nazionale; lotta al tabagismo (percorsi per smettere di fumare, campagne informative, linea verde SOS LILT 800 998877).
Prevenzione secondaria : visite specialistiche ed esami per la diagnosi precoce, con l’obiettivo di identificare lesioni tumorali allo stadio iniziale, aumentando così notevolmente la possibilità di completa guarigione, ricorrendo a cure sempre meno aggressive.
Prevenzione terziaria : riabilitazione fisica, psichica, social and employment of cancer patients. And 'this is a valuable task that LILT is able to offer thanks to the Departments of Provincial Prevention of points (clinics) and in collaboration with the National Health Service.
Home care: a precious complement to hospital care, through the Provincial Departments LILT, which provide assistance to medical, psychological, nursing, and in many cases also psycho-social and economic development. Particular attention to the cancer patient, to build around him a network of solidarity and sharing, security and information services, to offer the certainty of not being alone. In this regard, the LILT ha contribuito in maniera sostanziale alla redazione e promozione del Manifesto dei Diritti del Malato Oncologico, che tutela il malato e la sua famiglia sia in ambito lavorativo che sociale, prendendosi cura della sua esistenza.

Visitate il sito di Nastro Rosa e aderite il più possibile per diffondere questo messaggio di speranza!!


Monday, October 11, 2010

... More Condition_symptoms Lupus

A sweet precious .... Helvetia Cake!

This gray atmosphere led me to search for a new sweet ...
never tried a cake ... so a new challenge!
Under the suggestion of friends and relatives here he found: the 'Helvetia!
Dolce very dear to me being the favorite of my Grandfather who no longer
gone for almost a year .. . I dedicate this to him

A typical Mantuan cake created by master confectioners Swiss Grisons
(pare la famiglia Putscher), che avevano aperto i loro negozi a Mantova 
alla fine del 1700, ed avevano voluto dedicarla alla loro nazione.
Dal carattere deciso L'Elvezia si contraddistigue per i suoi ingredienti 
semplici: zabaione, crema al burro e panna montata.. ed infine dischi di mandorle. 

Mi sono sempre chiesta di quale ingrediente erano formati i dischi  d
ella torta... dall'aspetto a spirale e dorati; fino a quando spulciando sul 
canale Alice di 
Luca Montersino ho trovato la ricetta della sua Torta Helvetia!!

Sembra difficile dagli ingredienti e dal procedimento ma non lo è!
Quindi forza e coraggio.... iniziamo! 
Vi riporto le parole del Maestro direttamente dal sito 
( mi raccomando seguite i video su You Tube with any proceedings)
Divide in half doses for a cake of approximately 24 cm in diameter.

Dacquoise For almond:

400 g egg whites 250 g caster sugar
375 g almond flour 275 g of
100 g of rice flour

For butter cream:
500 g caster sugar 150 g water

25 g of glucose
280 grams of egg yolks
1 kg of butter
1 vanilla bean bourbon

As usual valance a layer cake I stuffed with zabaglione

(recipe Zio Piero ... (always taken by Montersino)
è facilissima e in 2 minuti avrete una crema favolosa)

Per lo zabaione (Per una torta di diametro 24 basterà dividere a metà la dose)

4 tuorli
80 gr zucchero
115 gr marsala
12 amido di mais

Montate uova e zucchero. Aggiungerci l’amido e continuate a montare.
Portate a ebollizione il marsala, abbassare la fiamma e versarvi l’uovo montato. 
Rialzate la fiamma.
Appena il marsala comincia a far capolino dai lati, tenetevi pronti con la whip.
At some point you will notice that the marsala "pierce" from under the egg.
This is the time to begin to spin quickly.
20-30 seconds will suffice your eggnog is ready.

Per la ricetta base:
Dacqoise alle mandorle.
Procedimento: montate gli albumi con i 250 grammi di zucchero ,

aggiungete la farina di mandorle miscelata al resto dello 
zucchero ed alla farina.

Formate con la massa ottenuta due dischi sulla carta da forno 
aiutandovi con un sac a poche.

Cuocete in forno a 180 C con valvola aperta.

parte superiore del disco
Retro del disco

basic recipe for the butter cream:
In a pan pour water and sugar glucose
(I used honey); put on the stove and
with the help of a thermometer cook this syrup to 121 C.
While syrup is cooking put in planetary
the egg yolks with the vanilla and mounted on foam.
Then pour slowly the syrup over cooked egg yolks in motion
and continue beating until it cools down.
So embedded in piccoli fiocchi il burro mantenuto a 
temperatura ambiente. 
Una volta finito di introdurre il burro montate fino ad ottenere 
una crema spumosa e ben areata. 
Coprite con la pellicola e conservate in frigo. 
Se fate la dose intera potete benissimo congelarla e tirarla fuori all'occorrenza! 
si conserva benissimo.

Per la finitura:
farcite uno dei 2 dischi con la crema al burro e l'altro 
con lo zabaione


and dial the sweet base with a disc with the butter cream and
over the disc with zabaglione and to finish the last disc.
smooth the edges with butter cream and the other kept in the fridge!

is the slice

e la dacquoise che vi rimane ( solo un piccolo dischetto ) 
la farcite con un cucchiaio generoso di nutella! non immaginate che bontà!

Tutto questo dedicato a Te....

Friday, October 1, 2010

Meanings Of Shag Bands


La tanto attesa Setteveli al Pistacchio finalmente è arrivata!!

and 'the passion I have for the pistachio .. I love it!
I discovered last year in Verona (where I study) due to an ice cream shop in Via Mazzini, beginning with the letter P. A. ......
Usually the pistachio ice cream has no flavor and deep green colors given.
What could instead just pistachio .. the color was a light khaki .. in short, the color of pistachio!
But notice the chatter and go!

The sponge cake was made with the procedure of the master Montersino I put the link

I just added a few tablespoons of pasta pistachio.

To sum up the creams than I had previously taken from the blog posted uncle Piero

Little Reminder ... composition of the cake from the bottom:

disc Chocolate
disc sponge pistachio
Thin layer of cream and Bavarian cream base for
Other disc of sponge cake with pistachio pistachio Bavarian
Last disc of sponge cake with pistachio
Chocolate Bavarian Chocolate Frosting

Disc chocolate
120 gr chocolate 60 gr corn flakes 50 grams of whole
crunchy pistachios
A little 'butter

Heat grains with butter (a little) then chop coarsely with the crisp (I put the link of crunchy hazelnut procedim is the .. lo stesso. dosi 50gr zucchero e 50gr pistacchi)

Unite il cioccolato fondente fuso e aiutandovi con una spatola appiattite il disco sulla carta da forno (dove precedentemente avrete disegnato la circonferenza); in breve il cioccolato si solidificherà. Sistematelo quindi nel congelatore.

250 gr latte
100 gr zucchero
35 gr amido di mais
2 tuorli
essenza di vaniglia

Preparate la base come preparereste una qualsiasi crema.

La pasta di pistacchio la potete ottenere semplicemente tritando in un mixer 75 gr di pistacchi tostati . Il risultato deve risultare un composto molto denso e cremoso, possibilmente privo di bricioline.

Mettete entrambi i preparati in frigorifero, ma non aspettate più di 24 ore per la fase successiva, per cui regolatevi voi con i tempi e gli impegni.
Ammollate 8 gr di colla di pesce, strizzateli per bene e uniteli ad una parte della base di Bavarian previously heated. Then add the remainder of the base of Bavaria. This compound will serve to make the three Bavarian later:


Bavarian base 125 gr 120 gr 70% dark chocolate 250 gr whipped cream

Bath Melt the chocolate and add it to the Bavarian base.
When the mixture has cooled, incorporate the whipped cream.


Bavarian base 150 gr 75 gr 250 gr pasta with pistachio whipped cream

Add Bavarian base paste, pistachio (pistachio nuts in a food processor blend until the dough). Stir in the whipped cream here.

The remaining base Bavarian
130 gr whipped cream

put all the creams in the fridge .. I I left a couple of Oretta
Then prepare all the tools .. I took a baking sheet steel of 24 cm and I lined with foil so that it adheres to the pan slightly greased with butter .. the result was not perfect as with the use of acetate, but unfortunately I did not and I have arranged!

assemble the cake in the order:
Chocolate Bavarian
Then hard pan dispagna
pistachio Bavarian
Other disc of sponge pistachio cake
Sottile strato crema di base per le bavaresi e panna
Disco di Pandispagna al Pistacchio
e per ultimo il disco di cioccolato

Disco di pan di spagna sopra la bavarese di pistacchio

Bavarese alla panna sopra al disco di pan di spagna

E per concludere il disco di cioccolato

put everything in the freezer for congelamentoLa icing you could take away a couple of hours.
After the cake needs a rest in the refrigerator for at least 6-12 hours, though to be enjoyed the best I have found that 24 hours is ideal.


The frosting recipe is used by Piero "Icing Fagiotto" (honestly I do not mean to glasse .. but I must say that this is superb and will use it often moooolto , then it is really gorgeous .. beautiful smooth, without lumps and releases a delicious aroma of chocolate!)

175 gr water 150 gr sugar 225 gr cream

75 g cocoa powder 8 g gelatine soaked in cold water

Mix well for powders and liquids and cooled to a temperature of about 103/104 degrees.
Let cool to a temperature of 50 °. Add the gelatine, previously soaked in cold water and drained well and is cool.
Meanwhile prepare a ciotolone, grill and a pasta bowl.
I used the grill of the oven and put it on a large aluminum bowl.

When the temperature reaches 35 ° glaze, remove the cake from the freezer, place it on the grill

the cake on the grill

E glassatela completely! store in refrigerator until the end! unfortunately I have no photos of the piece because it was eaten immediately! I hope you enjoyed!