Thursday, March 10, 2011

Free Printable Motivational Postcards

A host of 'exception ... Shopping

Oggi ho l'onore di scrivere in questo splendido angolo che Mela é riuscita a ritagliarsi nel mondo dei blogs. Per l'occasione ho fatto fatica a scegliere quale argomento fosse più giusto da trattare e alla fine penso di aver scelto quello giusto...

Le bambole sono giocattoli antichissimi. Nelle tombe degli egizi e degli etruschi gli archeologi hanno ritrovato bambole bellissime, fatte di legno e terracotta, dipinte con colori vivaci e spesso adorned with precious jewels.

dolls I played with the Greek girls, were made of baked clay, bone wax and depicting adult women.

The Roman girls could have very similar to modern dolls, made of wood, wax, ivory and even alabaster, which had different expressions ... Some smiled, others whine.

dolls have always worn clothes that reflect the fashion of the century. Since 1600, manufacturers began to create the toy doll houses, equipped with miniature furniture and accessories. In 1700 we began to build toy trucks and dolls, made of wood, wax and papier-mâché, became precious objects that moved gently, following the tune of a music box.

nineteenth century returned the dolls to be girls, with rosy cheeks of china.

the beginning of the century were born of felt dolls, celluloid dolls keep sisters, their limbs moving. Only very recently, these materials have been replaced by plastic, unbreakable and washable, they are made with all the modern toys. Today many adults are vying for a high price for the old dolls, which have become collector's item, while the girls around the world play with Barbie, the doll that has become the American icon.

Today there are millions of models of dolls. Dolls that look like celebrities, dolls depicting singers and actresses. Dolls that look real children. Dolls for every requirement and every age.

dolls want to push the girls are very different from those we choose to buy us adults. The girls choose dolls to play ... we, grown-up girls, to dream and then choose dolls dolls taste magical ability to send something only if we stop to look at them. This is the effect it had on me the angels that our friend Apple creates every day.

My name is Consuelo and I started writing a blog a few months ago. In all honesty I do not remember how I knew Apple, just remember di essere rimasta affascinata fin da subito dalle sue creazioni...

Spero che questo post vi sia piaciuto e se ancora non conoscete il mio blog, vi invito a venire a trovarmi qui .

Grazie Mela per l'ospitalità...ti lascio un bacio


Restaurant Marqiz Bucuresti

Royal Honey to Apples

I'm not disappeared ... but between 1000 commitments I could not find a minute to post some recipe!
I want to offer a dessert for the weekend .. aired last month to test the chef .. Royal Honey to Apples Salvatore De Riso, a sweet almond and apple!
E 'already the second time you do it again because it's really gorgeous!

Not being able to transcribe all doses are gone Blog Sweets and beyond of Lusi.
Shortcrust Pastry

200g flour 100g butter 80g
pumpkin. icing

1 egg a pinch of salt grated rind
. lemon

mix and leave half an hour in the fridge.


200g sugar 200g butter 350g ground almonds
(SNZ peel)

100g of flour 3 eggs 3 egg yolks

orange marmalade and 2 apples (I put the compote of apricots and is very good)

Roll out the pastry, while preparing the filling fitting butter, kept at room temp. environment, with sugar. Combine the egg yolks one at a time and working the whole eggs with an electric mixer. Combine the two flours and stir well.
Take the pastry rolled out, put in a pan of 28cm dm, spread the marmalade, put in a bag a few, SNZ nozzle, the filling and make some jam on concentric rags, clean the apples, cut into slices and season with cinnamon, lemon peel and juice and pumpkin. Put on the cream, bake 170 ° x 35 min.
Once baked pour over gelatin (tortagel) following the instructions on the envelope!

That's it .. semlice really simple but Fabulous!
and if there are pasta and filling ....

Monday, March 7, 2011

Inflammatory Breast Cancer Beginning Symptoms


I would hug you one by one !!!!!! You are doing great and I feel all your love.
This morning I took off the bandage and put me a cerottone.Mi seems to breathe!! The wound is beautiful (beautiful cross stitch!! Joke of course!) And I have permission to start move your hand a little at a time without overdoing it and without making great efforts like lifting weights or Apiro bottle caps ecc.Poi between ten days I also take away points delichine ...... I'm coming.

THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!!

Pcs4less Illegal>pcs4less

French taste ...

Care amiche rieccomi!!!
Sono viva e vegeta....sempre in piena...oggi  vi propongo a small shop made up of items typical French style!
This idea was born to give the opportunity 'to buy a lot of power objects nos are usually made in France in the shop in the country ... Let's face it all No good at all we navigate the sites in a foreign language! Sparrow tender can be sold separately
lie tin

nice sugar ...

checkered wood cake vintage
door egg in three colors ...
tin lantern
Enjoy .... other objects in the near future.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

I Catcher Console 2009

Thank you, thank you to all you (and you are many) for the affection that I have more dimostrato.Il passed even though it still hurt a bit and tomorrow I will go for first aid and I hope that I remove this annoying wrapping ... then it will be a whole ' another story!
Friday I had just stepped out of the operating room and guess who came to see me? Lucia!! What wonderful meeting! E 'thus become a beautiful day to remember with joy.
Lucia is just as I had imagined, sunny and beautiful and not only fisicamente.Abbiamo chatted as if we had known forever, he told me of the terrible adventure of Tigger (much like his hairy) and I also got to admire beautiful bracciale che aveva al polso (me lo devo fare mi piace troppo!!!!)
fatto con la tecnica del triplo peyote.Peccato che poi lei sia dovuta tornare (giustamente) al suo lavoro,ci sarei rimasta ancora a lungo a chiacchierare con lei,ma però mi ha accompagnata a prendere un caffettino (alla macchinetta  e  non mi è mai sembrato così buono!!!!)
Grazie Lucia,spero di rivederti presto.

Questi ellebori sono appena sbocciati in un vaso del mio piccolo giardino.Io li amo tantissimo e voglio donarli a tutte per contraccambiare la vostra amicizia

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pcos More Condition_symptoms>pcos


TO :





redazione.iluoghidellamemoria @


agencies TYPE

En'opsi celebrations of "150 years since the unification of Italy, that Italy would proceed with the 2011 ,

please the mayor of Athens to devote a part of the city, a plaque or a symbolic recognition in the minds of Italians who rushed to help the Greek people during the Greek Revolution of 1821.

Among Italians who rushed to help Greeks with leaders Ricciotti Garibaldi and Amilcare Cipriani , were diethnistes volunteers and young college students who disembarked from the ships in Greece take part in the new Greek epanastasi.Aftoi fought alongside the Greeks in Patras and then to Domokos of Thessaly, where the Ottoman forces forced them to battle ypochorisoun.I Domokos was an unfortunate but glorious episode of the war because they help to show visible πυκνό πολιτικό και οργανωτικό δίκτυ των δημοκρατικών,σοσιαλιστικών και αναρχικών οργανώσεων που έδειξαν αλληλεγγυη στον αγώνα για την ελευθερία του Ελληνικού People.

Events for "150 years of integration in Italy, and on the Italians who live abroad .

, retaining national identity were part of their historical experiences and the culture, politics and social developments in the countries hosting them.

As regards the history of Italians in Greece from 1821 until today, was a study supported by the Ministry Italians in the World and the first results were presented in 2004 at the Italian Cultural Institute in Athens and then in Volos, in the famous University Thessaly, always with the support of the former Ministry of Italians in the World.

Athens 1-1-2011

The organizing Επιτροπή

Καβ / ρε ., αρχ . Angelo Saracini

to αθ / τρια . Claudio Capone


http://www.angelosaracini . com / STORIAITALIANIinGRECIA / tabid /62/ language / it - IT / Default . aspx Το βιντεο της εκθεσης πραγματοποιηθηκε απο τον Μανωλη Νταμιανι Κασιματης.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Program Do Hakowania Harow W Polskim Metinie 2


un post veloce per dirvi that for a while I will remain absent from blog.Mi have just phoned the hospital to tell me that my carpal tunnel operation on the left hand is set for Friday mattina.Poi as in December I will have to hold the hand at rest, but this time I know what I expect and are more quiet even if the thought of entering the operating room I always shake a little.
will surely come beam in your blog post but I will work for some time ...... wait for me !!!!!

A heartfelt thanks to all and see you soon.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

.torcollis.. More Condition_symptoms


giving small establishment with this I joined two of my passioni.Quella stitck of brick and one for cats.
Now my house keys are in good company.
Miao Miao Miao . Maria!! (Translated from the heart of Mary gattese.Grazie)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Custom Aluminum Boats

COMITES GRECIA TRA FALSITA 'E ILLEGALITA' (lettera completa inviata al Direttore)

Al Director of Eureka

To Article: Italian sui generis?


Once again we tell the story of the old bales Comites Greece and from 'still an easy opportunity' to our community 'does not believe in this institution because': do not and fight anything only!

And for more 'the institutions responsible for its operation, agree to conduct clearly unlawful' or at best, show. ... Not to know!

Result: When the elections are held this important representative body of the community 'is still low number of voters.

Having had the luck-bad luck to the President, as well as Director for 10 years of the magazine Identity '. ... The beginning of my office I immediately Turns programs with elaborate steps and very ambitious (research work, assistance elderly, scholarships, award Comites, history of the Italians, etc.) with attention to the social problems of fellow residents, accounting for Comites a landmark of the community 'Italian in Greece.

Unfortunately, however, 'when we were elected, our list (Il Tricolore) but received at least' 51% of the votes, which would give him seven councilors, lost one to the list of Blue, 'cause the law provides electoral quota for a scrap, and this was' the first and last time that the institutions ... ... diligently apply the law like a glove!

(While and 'remember that already' in accepting the list of blue-consciously accepted false signatures, all things shall be recorded on time!)

And here begins the tribulations of this Committee, six against six soldiers.

And as they made their programs and activities 'for our Communities' boycotted the six blue compact everything and doing all miss the number of members present to vote. Reason: the temporary seat was President and there was a conflict of interest, why did not you pay more 'rent, water, light, building etc.. (Evicted from the old location we had obtained permission from the Minister Tremaglia to move into the headquarters of the Italian Institute of Culture)

The Azzurri then asked to assemble indirre Consulate or the Italian School: easily done, we went to both schools, both at the Consulate ... .. notice and agenda duly communicated.

Nothing to be done. The group of blue block away ... .. had things more 'important things to do.

All blue advisers had exceeded the 3 consecutive absences thoroughly unjustified and the law will automatically include their decay.

duly formalized request to the authorities' diplomatic communications with CGIE and also to the MFA.

This would allow us to 6 on the list Tricolore will refer to legally operate the Committee, as required by law, since 'there was ancora una maggioranza ,e anche perche’ ,sempre la legge!...prevede lo scioglimento del Comitato quando il numero dei consiglieri scende al di sotto della meta’ meno uno!


Costretti allo scioglimento!

Segue consegna della documentazione in ambasciata (e 30 euro relativi a 3 abbonamenti Identita’)…..alle 10,00 del 26-5-2008.

In un ennesimo comunicato stampa continuo a denunciare il comportamento illegale dei responsabili della rappresentanza diplomatica,nonostante il Ministero sia stato sempre di tutt’altra opinione.

Il 21/1/2009 consegno al Commissario appointed by Frattini the sum of Euro 38,446.50.

As for the new Comites, which I really wanted, although it has completely freed of the blue seems to be a Conclave, and the opportunity to ask publicly:

1) when they published the minutes of the assembly?

2) when published estimates and statements?

3) 's true that the meetings give the directors absent delegation, not provided for by law, those present? (Deliberations void)

4) and which' was the use of contributions allocated to the periodic ministerial Identity '?

5) who were given the money collected pro quake L'Aquila?

6) after the resignation of many directors when they will know 'the actual number of directors in office?

Angelo Saracini

Former President Greece

Missouri Non Traditional Teachers License

Farewell ...

now you know that I always have too many things that I mix for the head ... so 'many paragraphs that I almost never put them to good use .... this time I are peaking and I gave rein to my creativity 'creating at least one of my small projects! Make your own hands with great satisfaction from small things, then let's also the utilities' we are proud of what we create even more '! A short plastic bags will be a thing of the past ... the 2007 budget that this year 's gave way to the prohibition of the production.
few days ago, 'I went to buy a couple of things ... the cashier at the grocery store as usual, I asked the common plastic bag which I nn and' state because ... they were exhausted and so 'I was like a COD! Since
'never again wants the undersigned nn' being unprepared decided to make his .. nn any shopper that goes unnoticed ... realizzata in lino ecru arricchita con questo nastro di misto lino color cioccolata e foderata  con del cotone super resistente !!Il modello lo disegnato  prendendo spunto da una delle  shopper zakka Style designer Jappan!!    Il risultato mi  ha davvero tanto entusiasmata da decidere di indossarla
 come borsa  per la prossima stagione...magari  abbinandola a dei freschi abiti  . Infine chicca delle chicche ho realizzato un utile   portachiavi gufo che sara' sempre a portata di mano ... stesse tonalita'....  sempre design Zakka Style ... what do you say?? And you are definitely ready to greet the dear and old plastic bags? I did now its your turn ... bacissimiiiiiiiiii

Saturday, February 26, 2011

South Park Le Films En Streaming


herringbone.Mi just like this was the first technique I learned in this bracelet and I like the effect of fabric and color of these cubes myiuki 3 mm . Meros
Thanks to the garden of the pearls for having "inspired" after his Bisto a beautiful bracelet in black and white. (Always with beautiful cubic optical effect).

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Palpitations, Clipart

Cocodeeeeee .....

A small gift of creative sewing with attached tutorial for all my dear friends and anonymous readers! A nice idea suitable to decorate your table in anticipation of Easter .. I would try maybe we'd use the different tissues. Good work
