Thursday, March 10, 2011

Free Printable Motivational Postcards

A host of 'exception ... Shopping

Oggi ho l'onore di scrivere in questo splendido angolo che Mela é riuscita a ritagliarsi nel mondo dei blogs. Per l'occasione ho fatto fatica a scegliere quale argomento fosse più giusto da trattare e alla fine penso di aver scelto quello giusto...

Le bambole sono giocattoli antichissimi. Nelle tombe degli egizi e degli etruschi gli archeologi hanno ritrovato bambole bellissime, fatte di legno e terracotta, dipinte con colori vivaci e spesso adorned with precious jewels.

dolls I played with the Greek girls, were made of baked clay, bone wax and depicting adult women.

The Roman girls could have very similar to modern dolls, made of wood, wax, ivory and even alabaster, which had different expressions ... Some smiled, others whine.

dolls have always worn clothes that reflect the fashion of the century. Since 1600, manufacturers began to create the toy doll houses, equipped with miniature furniture and accessories. In 1700 we began to build toy trucks and dolls, made of wood, wax and papier-mâché, became precious objects that moved gently, following the tune of a music box.

nineteenth century returned the dolls to be girls, with rosy cheeks of china.

the beginning of the century were born of felt dolls, celluloid dolls keep sisters, their limbs moving. Only very recently, these materials have been replaced by plastic, unbreakable and washable, they are made with all the modern toys. Today many adults are vying for a high price for the old dolls, which have become collector's item, while the girls around the world play with Barbie, the doll that has become the American icon.

Today there are millions of models of dolls. Dolls that look like celebrities, dolls depicting singers and actresses. Dolls that look real children. Dolls for every requirement and every age.

dolls want to push the girls are very different from those we choose to buy us adults. The girls choose dolls to play ... we, grown-up girls, to dream and then choose dolls dolls taste magical ability to send something only if we stop to look at them. This is the effect it had on me the angels that our friend Apple creates every day.

My name is Consuelo and I started writing a blog a few months ago. In all honesty I do not remember how I knew Apple, just remember di essere rimasta affascinata fin da subito dalle sue creazioni...

Spero che questo post vi sia piaciuto e se ancora non conoscete il mio blog, vi invito a venire a trovarmi qui .

Grazie Mela per l'ospitalità...ti lascio un bacio



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