Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Before After Brazilian Wax Picures

Pandoro Rotary cut to make a sweet Christmas!

Buongiorno a tutti! ci stiamo avvicinando alle feste natalizie , tra addobbi, luci e qualche fiocco di neve, siamo tutti intenti a sfornare qualcosa di delizioso da presentare ai nostri ospiti!
Over the weekend I decided to try to make Panettone ..
Having bought the I set out to mold a new opening!

I was immediately intrigued by the recipe Nanni a few weeks ago, seeing her that it was leavened fine.
And then I started to work: I started Thursday night for lievitino, finished all the proceedings on Friday afternoon and fired on Saturday morning.
With the cold weather of recent days pandoro on Saturday morning had not reached even up to half of the mold, but having the wood stove was enough to put it inside the oven with the door open and grew up in a flash ' eye!
With Nanni why is never wrong! Pandora is the perfectly peeled without leakage of butter! remained soft even after 2 days stored in a tightly closed plastic bag.

given in full the words of Nanni with all the detailed procedures.

Ingredients Flour 450 gr (350 gr flour Manitoba + 100 00)

Water 75 gr yeast 15 gr sugar 150 gr

2 whole eggs + 4 egg yolks 220 gr

Butter Salt 6 oz Honey spoon
( recommend a type acacia honey or orange)
vanilla extract

20 hours of the day prior to the mix: prepare the chariot fat:
Dissolve 2 grams of yeast in 45 g water, mixed with 100 grams of flour, knead briefly Manitoba to form a dough which will incorporate more and mixing 30 grams of butter.

7 am the following day: preparing a lievitino dissolving the residue 13 g of yeast in 30 g of water with honey is also dissolved.
stirring with a whisk 30 grams of flour and egg yolk until smooth batter by granting a leave to stand for an hour in the heat.

Hours 8: kneading. Mix and lievitino
chariot with 50 grams of flour.
then add the other ingredients by following a fairly classic pattern: add one egg slightly beaten with 40 grams of sugar.
When incorporated add 50 g taken from all of the remaining two mixed together and sifted flour and stir.
Repeat the above pattern with the second egg and its ingredients.
Then add one egg yolk with 20 grams of sugar, stir well and then add 30 grams of flour and tie.
Repeat the pattern with the other two yolks. Finally
incorporate the salt and 80 grams of flour.
reversing string if necessary and then add each time bringing in rope butter into pieces and then the vanilla extract.
Place in a large buttered bowl, cover and let rise in warm place (28-30 degrees) until doubled (about 3h)
In the meantime, take the remaining 160 grams of butter and prepare for the stripping.
Put it between two sheets of plastic wrap and taps with small rolling pin to soften it and then flatten it into a strip of roughly 20x15 high about 2-3 mm.
Then keep in the fridge at the top until use.
Peeling: Invert the dough to deflate the dough on a work surface well and gently flatten with a rolling pin in the shape of a rectangle about 28x18. Put the butter
sull'impasto stretched so that it covers the 2 / 3,
then fold the side flaps in the middle: the first free and then the one with butter.
Flatten with a rolling pin, taking care that the butter does not go out anywhere and fold back the side flaps in the center.
Wrap foil and place in fridge to rest for 40 'or so.
Take the dough and give the other two "revolutions" come quello sopra intervallati sempre da 40' di riposo in frigo.
Al termine del terzo giro avvolgere l'impasto a palla con la chiusura sotto senza serrare troppo e mettere accuratamente nello stampo da pandoro imburrato.
Mettere a lievitare al riparo da correnti d'aria a 26° e non di più per evitare lo scioglimento del burro della sfogliatura.
Far superare all'impasto il livello del bordo di due dita circa.
Nota: per arrivare a questo punto ci ha messo 8-9 ore
Cuocere a 160° circa per 40-50' e comunque fare la prova stecchino, che dovrà risultare completely dry.
Cool one hour in the mold and unmold.
Allow to cool completely and serve sprinkled with powdered sugar.
closed in a bag keeps well for several days, you should still riintiepidirlo to withdraw at the time of consumption out the fragrance of butter.

I wish you Happy Holidays and much serenity! Remove from the oven as possible, but also enjoy the joy of being together as a family!


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