Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Signs Stroke More Condition_symptoms

Chocolate Cake Rose Long rising

prolngata After an absence (even by just so much .. ten days!) great begin with a yeast cake.

L'avevo già postato in precedenza, ma facendola spesso ho trovato un altro procedimento che ha reso questa torta ancora + lievitata e molto + soffice di quella tradizionale che potete cmq trovare qui .

Ovviamente sto parlando della Torta di rose , un dolce che è molto richiesto nella mia zona (Mantva) soprattutto nel periodo natalizio. 
Ho fatto anche qualche cambiamento agli ingredienti.. 
  1. il panetto sachet of yeast instead of active dry yeast;
  2. berries in vanilla instead of vanilla (from + perfume);
  3. icing sugar instead of the caster because it dissolves better.

ingredients for the dough: 250 gr flour 00

250 gr flour 1 stick of Manitoba

fresh yeast 100 g sugar 1 vanilla bean

a pinch of salt

2 eggs grated rind of 1 lemon 80 g butter, melted

125 ml of warm milk (depends on the degree of asssorbimento flour)
are ripening for the 100 and 100 grams of butter with icing sugar
prepare a pre-mix the dough with yeast, 100 grams of flour and milk as needed to be a ball mordida. Cover and let rise 2 to 3 hours.
in the early afternoon about 13 .. put in the bowl the dough pre chopped, the rest of the ingredients in the order they are listed.
Form a ball and let stand 3 hours covered by a towel.
spent the time to roll out the dough formare un rettangolo..non deve essere sottile 3-4 mm, mettere il burro ammorbidito a temperatura ambiente su tutta la sfoglia e coprire con lo zucchero a velo a pioggia.
Arrotolare in modo da formare un rotolo e tagliare le rose, a me ne sono venute 10. Disporle una accanto all'altra lasciando uno spazio tra loro e far leivitare altre 2 ore.
Infornate a forno già caldo a 180° fino a che è cotta.. circa ci vorranno 30 minuti.
Ed eccola pronta!

Now we have to enjoy it!
I hope that this procedure would be useful to those trying to make the cake softer and rose as high as the pastry!.

Friday, November 19, 2010

What Is The Future Of The A-10 Warhog?

My first Panettone Gourmet Chocolates

nice weekend everyone, I'm away this week, but they are full of recipes to post! I
trovato questa ricettina da Milla .. un Panettone Gastronomico!

Non avendolo mai realizzato ero un pò titubante.. ma mi sono decisa a farlo.
Al di sopra di ogni mia aspettativa è cresciuto a dismisura.. alto gonfio e paffutello. Un'alveolatura bellissima.. cotto perfettamente all'interno.

E' un piatto che può essere un antipasto e un secondo...  e che second!
Then do not worry if there's a slice .. remains soft, even for 2 days.
I report the proceedings of Milla ...


300 g flour 300 g flour 3 eggs
0 + 1 yolk polishing

100 ml of extra virgin oil 200 ml of milk a teaspoon of salt

1 \\
2 teaspoon sugar 10 g yeast
to stuff
mayonnaise, brie cheese, ham and mushrooms in oil

with the mixer Preparation: Put the flour, baking powder dissolved in the milk warm with sugar, eggs, oil and salt at last, knead for ten minutes at medium speed, then take the dough and allow to rise (in the oven at 50 ° and then off) directly into panettone mold covered with a damp cloth until you reach 3 / 4 heavy mold, and then brush the surface with beaten egg yolk with a little milk and bake in the oven cold setting the temperature to 200 ° ventilation for about 35 minutes or until golden brown, do the toothpick test before oven.

Once cold cut the cake first and then horizontally into slices,
then make at your leisure.
I used half cake with chopped mushrooms and brie and the other half ham and mayonnaise.

Look how wonderful! This is the inside ....

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Acis And Alikes Moves

pasticciotti to Amarene

desire for something sweet? To sour? A Pasticciotto to Amarene is just what we need!
peeking between the recipes on Antonia Gennaro I found this!

I love cherries, knowing that his recipes sn a guarantee, I said .. why do not you try it?!

With the dose given to me avanzata della pasta, che però ho prontamente congelato pronta all'uso per altri pasticciotti!


Pasta frolla
500 gr.di farina 00
200 gr.di strutto
100 gr.di zucchero
2 cucchiaini da caffè di miele
1uovo + 1 tuorlo

lavorare la pasta frolla come d'abitudine e farla riposare,meglio se fatta il giorno prima.

Crema pasticcera
1/2 lt.di latte fresco
6 tuorli
150 gr.di zucchero
75 gr.di farina
1 stecca di vaniglia
1 tazzina di liquore strega ( io nn l'avevo)

il liquore va aggiunto alla crema cotta e raffredata.

250 gr amarene sciroppate

Imburrare ed infarinare gli stampi da creme caramel e rivestirli di pasta frolla.
Mettere un pò di crema all'interno, poi adagiare 3-4 amarene e mezzo cucchiaino di succo di amarene, un altro poco di crema e coprire con altra frolla.
Spennellarli con l'uovo battuto e infornare.
Cuocere a 180° fino a cottura.. fare la prova stecchino e spolverare di zucchero a velo.
Con questa dose ho preparato 14-15 pasticciotti.

sono durati 1 gg!! grazie Antonia x la ricetta!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Gucci Outlet Store Las Vegas

Raffaello Coconut and Pistachio

Come promesso in the previous post here are Raphael.

These chocolates are delicate, yet very tasty ... and even these disappear in a flash!
Without too much background we come to the proceedings:
Ps. Stefy Rosy in the recipe and they are about 20 .. I have come to more .. I even had to double the dose to the outer shell because I had so much stuffing! and I changed the procedure for making the outer shell because I had available a silicone mold shaped chocolates.


For the outer shell:
8 vanilla wafers
50 g white chocolate almonds
8 (I added 2 tablespoons of cream do not mix xk)

For the vanilla cream

100 grams of white chocolate 50 g
cream 15 g butter vanilla

For the pistachio cream:

50 g white chocolate 30 grams pistachio already cleaned
50 gr fresh cream without sugar
10 g glucose (for me honey)
10 gr butter

Finally :
20 almonds 40 pistachios

50 g grated coconut 50 gr grated pistachio

Preparare la crema alla vaniglia: mettere in un tegame la panna, il burro, la vaniglia e lasciar intiepidire per pochi minuti a fuoco lento, mescolando bene per amalgamare il tutto. 
Spezzettare il cioccolato bianco ed unirlo, fuori fuoco, alla panna. Mescolare bene. Mettere in frigorifero a raffreddare.
Preparare la crema al pistacchio: per prima cosa, è necessario polverizzare il pistacchio, utilizzando un robot da cucina o, meglio, il macinacaffè. Bisogna ottenere una farina piuttosto fine. Riscaldare la panna fino quasi al bollore, spegnere il fuoco e aggiungere il cioccolato bianco e la farina di pistacchio. Mescolare finchè non sarà perfettamente dissolved. Add the honey and butter and mix again.
rapprenderà The cream after a few hours in the refrigerator.
In the meantime, take the vanilla wafers and pass them to the mixer along with the almonds. Then add 50 grams of chopped white chocolate and cream and let stand in fridge for half an hour.
Line silicone molds shaped chocolates with the compound. Put in freezer for 15 minutes.

Fill with cream or white chocolate with the pistachio, almond stands in the center a whole peeled pistachios or two integers. Close completely with a layer of outer shell.

Once hardened, the mold estrous and moisten lightly with some water and roll them in shredded coconut or chopped pistachios.

Keep refrigerated and serve in paper cups.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Recommended For Anonymity Inurl:pl]recommended

A touch of originality ... Perugina Baci!

start once a week with some nifty trick, easy to do but also to eat!
peeking between the two blogs I found the recipe that made my case: Baci Perugina and Imitation Raphael .
That's right .... I'm talking about chocolates!

ciocclatini But, almost identical to the original, the taste is very delicate and delicious.
We start by Baci, the recipe was taken from from Stefan and Rosy "yet another cooking blog ..." , I thank them because they're gone in an instant!. I have not made
changes .. except for a drop of cream in dark chocolate that serves as a cover.

For about 70 kisses

300 grams of chopped toasted hazelnuts or hazelnut nutella
300 g

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 100 grams of powdered sugar

70 hazelnuts 400 g dark chocolate

In a bowl mix the hazelnuts, Nutella icing sugar and vanilla.
Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Then form into balls with your hands slightly smaller than a walnut. Arrange on a whole hazelnut.

Put these balls in the freezer on a sheet of wax paper and let cool. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate and let cool. This is the difficult part because there are dirty + up beyond belief! With the aid of a fork, dip in dark chocolate kisses and drain them on a grill.

to dry storage in the refrigerator until the end.
soon with the likes Raphael!