Friday, August 6, 2010


...le reazioni al teatrino del nuovo Comites....l'ex v.pres.Capone scrive....

Comites The President of Greece, Professor Maria Luisa Mendozzi, has today made a courtesy visit to the new Ambassador of Italy in Athens ,[....] Thank `s informazione.Non knew nothing [.....] F. Vianello sure who wrote this dispatch or ignores the vicissitudes of recent
Comites, which brings in around the themes of the economic crisis of the Italians in Greece, which is an `obvious disarming, or knows too well the trouble is that the President of Comites tackling and running to support it with arguments that rimettino a little hazy on his position. Who wrote it, perhaps, is not in Athens, use the back of his desk political cliscè outdated (the Italian community well placed, its professional level, her role as a bridge between Greece and Italy ') and, knowing full well that, for professional integrity, you sign what you write, he prefers not to. A dispatch of the genre, here in Athens, giving the final blow to President Comites, because it shows: 1) that it needs external support in order to feel safe, 2) that makes requests of "courtesy" are not run by a private citizen, saw the tenor of the official guide, without even informing the director of his newspaper, 3) that when he meets the `competent authority does not mention the actual problems and questions that trouble the Italian community, but only vaguely refer to" critical ".
The statement shows lack of respect against anybody that, because of the general cultural background to which it refers, is not stupid. That in a nutshell, between the lines, we want to reiterate clearly two things: 1) that the president has unconditionally `s support of the local authorities, 2) that as the controversy over the succession could Comites-Greece and its work .. . are all talking to the wind, since the points of 'critical'
be resolved only through their cooperation. Claudia Capone


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