Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cubefield 2 Unblocked

tart apples

Hello everyone!
I come with a recipe especially tasty ... a fresh apple pie!
The scent of apples is perceptible in every bite through the compound and the high amount of fruit!
It 's a light cake, and scented especially easy to do!

The recipe is taken from Paoletta of Anise & Cinnamon , which in turn has ispiratta to Frank Spall.
We carry the following entirely his process ..
Let's start ..

flavored APPLE TART

For the pastry
(I used the doses of x Paoletta make your pastry! )

200 g flour
100 g of butter
30 g of sugar
a pinch of salt
an egg
a tablespoon of ice water if needed
Sift flour, sugar and salt, proceed as for a normal crust, crumbled quickly flour and butter and amalagamare with the egg, if possible, only if necessary add a tablespoon of ice water. Let rest at least half an hour.
Line a tart pan and put in fridge.

For the apple compote
apples 4-5 small / medium
50 g of sugar
½ lemon
Just peel the apples and rub with half a lemon, cut into cubes (net weight approximately 550 g for 20 cm tart). Put them in stew with sugar in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. I do not even have to add water, enough to hold them semi-covered top. In about 30-40 minutes are made, they must be very soft.
Eventually uncover and raise the heat, to caramelize slightly, in each case must be dry. Spread on a plate so as to cool quickly.

For decoration
2 medium apples
½ lemon
little apricot jelly (or jam)
little melted butter
brown sugar (optional)

Pour the applesauce into the shell.
Peel the apples for decoration and Strovina with lemon. I will cut in half ', the excavation equip to do with the balls melon and cut into quarters. The affection with the mandolin. If you have not, you have to have some 'patience and affection all the same, up to 3 mm thick.
Preheat oven to 220 °
Lay apple slices on the compound, you have to put very tight, 'cause the apples in cooking "shrink" and' important not to see absolutely compost.
The second circle, inside, fill it going in the opposite direction.

Brush apples with melted butter and bake on the shelf more 'down (and' important to cook the bottom right). After 10 minutes reduce to 170 degrees and continue for about half an hour.
As we must turn over the cake and brush with a little 'butter.
Finally, sprinkle with a little brown sugar and butter and turn on the fan.
The apples should be golden, slightly darker at the edges, and the crust golden. Mix a bit 'of apricot jam with a little water, sieve and brush the tart.

Notes Paoletta I followed to the letter:
Unlike Francesca, added 2 tablespoons of apricot jam to jam. He dusted with caster sugar mixed with cinnamon before baking at 200 ° Static 10 'and then at 180 ° until golden shortbread.

E 'came a great pie! a real fruit tart! Paoletta Thanks!


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