Saturday, August 14, 2010

Emphysema... More Condition_symptoms

Sbrisolona Amaretti and Happy Holidays to

A 'last recipe before the holidays! This year is half Ischia ! hope you find the sun!
I revolutionized the traditional recipe sbrisolona valance with the addition of amaretto and lard ..
The result was a cake crumbly and not exactly "hard" .. We like it a little soft!


300g flour 00
100 grams of maize flour (I had to do that x precooked polenta)
100g butter
50 gr lard
200 grams of almonds (I chopped about half)
150 g sugar 1 egg
6 amaretti
grated rind of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
a small vial of almond aroma

chop about 100 grams of almonds with the flour of maize, the robot I always add sugar, amaretto and chop everything.
Put the mixture into a bowl, add flour 00, almonds, orange peel, vanilla, the tube and then the egg yolk and mix well.
Melt the butter in the meantime with the lard and pour it over the mixture.
Mix the dough with your hands trying to form small pieces of dough, roughly the size of walnuts and place everything into the pan (26 cm) lined with baking paper wet and squeezed.
Place in the oven to 180 ° x presriscaldato about 25-30 minutes (until it is golden! Attention that burns easily)

And that's it!

in 1 hour you have achieved the sweet typical Mantuan!
I leave for one week because I go on vacation! Ischia I expected!
you soon!

With this recipe I participate in the contest laginestraeilmare devoted to almonds


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