Monday, August 23, 2010

Cineplex Brampton Prices

Even on vacation ... sweet!

Eccomi tornata dopo una meravigliosa vacanza nell'isola verde di Ischia !
I was fascinated by the smells that emanated through the village ..... The the pizza was the boss ... then sfogliatelle, father, donuts and more!
A day in Capri allowed me to taste a truly heavenly dessert: a lemon delight!
not to mention the caprese chocolate and lemon caprilù !
The lemon is used in all types of preparation: the sweet liqueurs and is great 2 -3 times more than those found at the supermarket and do not and are not bitter.

The sea is useless to repeat it .. is transparent .. the water was very blue.
few photos to give a better idea ...
you soon!

Il Castello Aragonese

.... and the water ....

sweets of Ischia and Capri

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Genital Warts Removal

BOCCELLI IN per l'elite!...

In September, will sing at the Theatre of Herodes Atticus Andrea Bocelli, called by the Institute "Action" within the framework of the campaign fundraiser against cancer breast. I read the ticket prices: for students of the university (state) 30 €, then you go from 45 to 200 € ......

........ This and 'a classic case, which highlights a striking extraneousness' and posting of officers and representatives of Comites from what is' reality' the community ' Italian.
will be discussed 'in this nel Comites? Dubito .
Ora il Comites e' in ferie. Ferie che dureranno due mesi, diconsi due, durante i quali i consiglieri non riescono a trovare un modo per comunicare fra di loro.
Scommettiamo che non se ne parlera' neanche al loro ritorno? O forse si', con un bell'articolo sul giornale .... a babbo morto.
Alexis ;-)

dal blog di Claudia Capone

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Peritoneal Cancer For Men

da BRUNA DEPAULA:La mia risposta al Consigliere di Cefalonia del Comites Grecia, Pasquale D'Amico!/notes/bruna-de-paula/la-mia-risposta-al-consigliere-di-cefalonia-del-comites-grecia-pasquale-damico/419657180665

chiamato in causa I posted this comment

without going into questions of Kefalonia, and following with admiration all the activities' carried out by the Mediterranean ..... I can not and will not enter into the details .... regarding Comites records do exist , press releases pe ... whatever that the new comites and not 'worried in the least ... not even read the programs carried out for 10 years along with the regular Identita' gaining two ministerial patronage for his activities' and especially for the only story about Italians in Greece .... never done before by anyone ... and then inherits the 'economic left in the coffers of about € 40,000 ... and still no one has yet responded to my request see what happened to this money as well ... editorial contributions to the new Identity 'from the new Comites .... that had to be used until the end of publications still in the same period two years .... looks like an Italian citizen responses ....
Angelo Saracini
ex Pres.Comites Greece

Emphysema... More Condition_symptoms

Sbrisolona Amaretti and Happy Holidays to

A 'last recipe before the holidays! This year is half Ischia ! hope you find the sun!
I revolutionized the traditional recipe sbrisolona valance with the addition of amaretto and lard ..
The result was a cake crumbly and not exactly "hard" .. We like it a little soft!


300g flour 00
100 grams of maize flour (I had to do that x precooked polenta)
100g butter
50 gr lard
200 grams of almonds (I chopped about half)
150 g sugar 1 egg
6 amaretti
grated rind of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
a small vial of almond aroma

chop about 100 grams of almonds with the flour of maize, the robot I always add sugar, amaretto and chop everything.
Put the mixture into a bowl, add flour 00, almonds, orange peel, vanilla, the tube and then the egg yolk and mix well.
Melt the butter in the meantime with the lard and pour it over the mixture.
Mix the dough with your hands trying to form small pieces of dough, roughly the size of walnuts and place everything into the pan (26 cm) lined with baking paper wet and squeezed.
Place in the oven to 180 ° x presriscaldato about 25-30 minutes (until it is golden! Attention that burns easily)

And that's it!

in 1 hour you have achieved the sweet typical Mantuan!
I leave for one week because I go on vacation! Ischia I expected!
you soon!

With this recipe I participate in the contest laginestraeilmare devoted to almonds

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cubefield 2 Unblocked

tart apples

Hello everyone!
I come with a recipe especially tasty ... a fresh apple pie!
The scent of apples is perceptible in every bite through the compound and the high amount of fruit!
It 's a light cake, and scented especially easy to do!

The recipe is taken from Paoletta of Anise & Cinnamon , which in turn has ispiratta to Frank Spall.
We carry the following entirely his process ..
Let's start ..

flavored APPLE TART

For the pastry
(I used the doses of x Paoletta make your pastry! )

200 g flour
100 g of butter
30 g of sugar
a pinch of salt
an egg
a tablespoon of ice water if needed
Sift flour, sugar and salt, proceed as for a normal crust, crumbled quickly flour and butter and amalagamare with the egg, if possible, only if necessary add a tablespoon of ice water. Let rest at least half an hour.
Line a tart pan and put in fridge.

For the apple compote
apples 4-5 small / medium
50 g of sugar
½ lemon
Just peel the apples and rub with half a lemon, cut into cubes (net weight approximately 550 g for 20 cm tart). Put them in stew with sugar in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. I do not even have to add water, enough to hold them semi-covered top. In about 30-40 minutes are made, they must be very soft.
Eventually uncover and raise the heat, to caramelize slightly, in each case must be dry. Spread on a plate so as to cool quickly.

For decoration
2 medium apples
½ lemon
little apricot jelly (or jam)
little melted butter
brown sugar (optional)

Pour the applesauce into the shell.
Peel the apples for decoration and Strovina with lemon. I will cut in half ', the excavation equip to do with the balls melon and cut into quarters. The affection with the mandolin. If you have not, you have to have some 'patience and affection all the same, up to 3 mm thick.
Preheat oven to 220 °
Lay apple slices on the compound, you have to put very tight, 'cause the apples in cooking "shrink" and' important not to see absolutely compost.
The second circle, inside, fill it going in the opposite direction.

Brush apples with melted butter and bake on the shelf more 'down (and' important to cook the bottom right). After 10 minutes reduce to 170 degrees and continue for about half an hour.
As we must turn over the cake and brush with a little 'butter.
Finally, sprinkle with a little brown sugar and butter and turn on the fan.
The apples should be golden, slightly darker at the edges, and the crust golden. Mix a bit 'of apricot jam with a little water, sieve and brush the tart.

Notes Paoletta I followed to the letter:
Unlike Francesca, added 2 tablespoons of apricot jam to jam. He dusted with caster sugar mixed with cinnamon before baking at 200 ° Static 10 'and then at 180 ° until golden shortbread.

E 'came a great pie! a real fruit tart! Paoletta Thanks!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Darmowe Serwery Z Baza Mysql

da Atene...8 memoria della tragedia di Marcinelle-Belgio

The text and 'Claudia Capone Claudia

.... Reversal
other parts and people .... and I appreciate your words .... I hope that other communities' abroad remember .....

In memory of the tragedy of Marcinelle

Also this year will be remembered the tragedy of Marcinelle Belgian town where the `262 miners died August 8, 1956, 136 of which Italian.

that the sacrifice of these people is to show what Italians abroad have done and given in terms of work and life and is a point of reference for younger generations because it will reflect on what Italians emigrants have suffered and worked to reach the level of consideration with which today are viewed abroad. There are levels at which they arrived with their forces and their intelligence, often challenging racism, stereotypes, poor working conditions, personal dramas. The strength to go forward with dignity and honor to have them better targets and, in return, makes beautiful homeland.


...le reazioni al teatrino del nuovo Comites....l'ex v.pres.Capone scrive....

Comites The President of Greece, Professor Maria Luisa Mendozzi, has today made a courtesy visit to the new Ambassador of Italy in Athens ,[....] Thank `s informazione.Non knew nothing [.....] F. Vianello sure who wrote this dispatch or ignores the vicissitudes of recent
Comites, which brings in around the themes of the economic crisis of the Italians in Greece, which is an `obvious disarming, or knows too well the trouble is that the President of Comites tackling and running to support it with arguments that rimettino a little hazy on his position. Who wrote it, perhaps, is not in Athens, use the back of his desk political cliscè outdated (the Italian community well placed, its professional level, her role as a bridge between Greece and Italy ') and, knowing full well that, for professional integrity, you sign what you write, he prefers not to. A dispatch of the genre, here in Athens, giving the final blow to President Comites, because it shows: 1) that it needs external support in order to feel safe, 2) that makes requests of "courtesy" are not run by a private citizen, saw the tenor of the official guide, without even informing the director of his newspaper, 3) that when he meets the `competent authority does not mention the actual problems and questions that trouble the Italian community, but only vaguely refer to" critical ".
The statement shows lack of respect against anybody that, because of the general cultural background to which it refers, is not stupid. That in a nutshell, between the lines, we want to reiterate clearly two things: 1) that the president has unconditionally `s support of the local authorities, 2) that as the controversy over the succession could Comites-Greece and its work .. . are all talking to the wind, since the points of 'critical'
be resolved only through their cooperation. Claudia Capone

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Jelly Bands For Different Cancers

le cortesie del Agosto...tramite il gruppo Prospettive...

Comites The President of Greece, Professor Maria Luisa Mendozzi,
has made a courtesy visit today to the new Ambassador of Italy in
Athens, Francesco Paolo Trupiano

.... but still did not do the courtesy to respond to the community 'in accordance with the law? (ANTONIO Pader)

Mendozzi its part, the President, in thanking the Ambassador for his words of support, said the excellent cooperation between the Embassy and the
Comites identify the critical issues that affect
the community and possible solutions.

this is that it 's nice ....

and critical points 'community' still do not have it said ... (ANTONIO Pader)

Councillor Vianello, surprised .... responds

Thanks for the information. Non ne sapevo nulla. Probabilmente avra' parlato a
titolo personale, facolta' di ogni cittadino. Per quanto riguarda le
ripercussioni dell'attuale crisi economica sulla comunita', non se ne e' mai
parlato in consiglio. Che la comunita' italiana sia integrata e' un fatto,
che il Comites, per pratiche passate e presenti, sia ben radicato nella
comunita' italiana e possa in qualche modo esprimerla e' una cosa da
discutere. Comunque, grazie dell'informazione.
Francesco Vianello, Consigliere Comites.

Gentile Vianello
questo mi sorprende ma conferma un atteggiamento...che ha portato l'attuale comites ha essere gestito per conto ....solo.....di qualcuno...
...e grazie della Answer ...
antonio Padera