Thursday, September 30, 2010

Inspirational Poems For Sobriety

Pistachio Delight chocolate and .... Macaroon!

I am back! excuse my absence and the wait but yesterday I finished the exam session, which made me fully occupied!
Finally I can say that the traguado graduation is near!
But we start with a cake, a recipe that I discovered by accident last week on Wired New York that I was immediately intrigued.
E 'of Thea obviously Dolcipensieri .. I open a small parenthesis (I started to have recipes starting to look at the blog and dolcipensieri Mint and Chocolate Morena! Have been my source of inspiration!)
cake consists of a layer of pastry, one of nutella, macaroons with chopped almonds and egg whites!

I have nicknamed Delight chocolate macaroons (the name comes from the exclamation of my friend Terry (aspiring journalist) who has just tasted it is been ecstatic! I leave you the link of his blog ! is very interesting!)

here you need

for pastry

300g flour 150g butter 100g sugar

3 egg
1 pinch of salt grated rind
di 1 limone
mezzo cucchiaino di lievito per dolci

per il ripieno

amaretti q.b.
100g di mandorle pelate
liquore all'amaretto
3/4 cucchiai di crema nocciola
1 cucchiaio di zucchero di canna
3 albumi
2 cucchiai rasi di zucchero

Impastare il burro con la farina lo zucchero, aggiungere i tuorli, la buccia del limone il livieto e il sale. Formare un panetto e avvolgerlo nella pellicola e riporlo in frigo x mezzoretta.
Stendere la pasta nella teglia ricoperta di carta da forno e ricoprirla con abbondante crema al cioccolato.. ovviamente non posso fare nomi.. ma avete capito qual'è la marca!
Passare gli amaretti nel liquore e disoprli sulla crema l'uno accanto all'altro fino a ricoprire tutta la superficie.

montare con i 2 cucchiai di zucchero gli albumi ( non completamente) e versarli sulla torta.

Tritare grossolanamente le mandorle e versarle da ultimo sul dolce.

Infornare a forno pre riscaldato a 180° fino a che è cotta. (fare sempre la prova stecchino)
Facile no?! provatela perchè è veramente buonissima!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Buy Stihl With Paypal

The Delights Lemon

A fresh recipe at the end of summer ... The Delights Lemon!
I wanted to play it at home after you've eaten in the restaurant Isodoro of Capri.

It 's a light dessert, lemon and vanilla flavor .. creamy and soft.
I have divided the work in 2 days .. is a laborious sweet .. Vole us patience and diligence in doing so.
veramnte But it is worth it! is very good .. and even if only for a moment I am back on vacation! The recipe is
Maestro Salvatore de Riso (it could not be?), I have taken from Wired New York by Peter820 that perfectly explains the entire procedure. I apologize from now x pictures but I want to see the work!.

start: my options ..
  1. I used semi-skimmed milk instead of the entire
  2. I did not put the precise dose of limoncello to me because it was too strong .. and then had to eat a child.
  3. Council to increase the dose of cornstarch custard because it is too runny.

Ingredients for the cake:

150 g of eggs (3 medium)
90 g sugar 40 g flour

25 g corn flour (corn starch) 1 pinch of salt

25 g almonds, peeled and chopped
1 / 2 lemon
1 / 2 vanilla bean

Ingredients for the lemon cream:
40 g egg yolk (2) 40 g sugar

1 -2
lemon 40 g butter

Ingredients for the lemon custard:
180 g of milk, 80 g of cream

80 g egg yolks (4)

60 g sugar 15 g cornstarch 1 pinch of salt

1 lemon 1 / 3 of the pod vanilla

For wet limoncello:

30 g of water 30 g sugar 50 g lemon

1 / 2 lemon

Ingredients for filling:
30-40 g
fresh whole milk 110 g cream 30 g sugar

Mount with whips the egg yolks with 40 g of sugar, the grated lemon rind and seeds vanilla until mixture is frothy.
Whip the egg whites to which you add the remaining sugar a little at a time.
Add egg yolks to the mixture of finely chopped almonds.

Stir together cornstarch and flour, sift the mixture gradually to egg yolk mixture and incorporate gently stirring from bottom to top, alternating with the egg whites until stiff.

Grease and flour the pan well. With a spoon carefully pour the mixture into molds.
Cook for 15 minutes in oven at 170 ° (See, however, the toothpick test).

Inverse the mold on a wire rack and let cool small sponge cake.

Cream Lemon:
Grate the zest of a lemon juice clean spremetere (40 g at least). Place the zest in the juice to infuse for about 20 minutes.
Beat the egg yolks with sugar and then diluting 40 g of juice and lemon zest.
Place in a saucepan to heat and sweet, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, cook up to 80 °. I do not have a thermometer for pastry, I went to the eye almost to a boil.
Remove from heat and immerse the pot in a water bath of cold water. With an immersion mixer rendete la crema liscia e vellutata.
Lasciar raffreddare fino a circa 50°, aggiungere il burro a pezzetti ed emulsionate ancora con il mixer a immersione. Coprire e riporre in frigo.


Crema pasticcera al limone:
Riunite in un tegame il latte, la panna, le scorze di limone e li semini della bacca  di vanilla. Bring just to a boil and let steep for about an hour.
Mix with a whisk the egg yolks with sugar, starch and salt.
Gradually stir in the milk filtrate.
Cook up to 82 degrees for about one minute.
Pour the cream into a bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Store in freezer for 20 minutes and then stored in the refrigerator.

Bagna limoncello:
Dilute sugar in water scented with lemon zest. A low fire bring to a boil for one minute. Let cool, strain and add the lemon.

Composition of sweet

Mix the lemon cream custard very cold.
Add 30 g to 30 g of lemon and sweetened whipped cream.

With sac-a-few or syringe pastry stuffed inside the domes of sponge cake is from the bucandole + langa, after a cut with a knife.

Spennelate with wet both below and above the delight to distribute it evenly over the cake.

cream advanced built-in 80 g of whipped cream sweetened and 30-40 grams of processed milk reads as the cream in a thick glaze.

Cover this with the delicious icing. and store them in the fridge to rest.
currently use to put on each delicious dish and pour remaining glaze over ... it's a pleasure!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Plasma Astrophysics Somov Djvu


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Easy To Make Pirate Coat

croquettes Shrimp at the end of summer!

We are approaching the end of summer and volev offer you a tasty dish .. maybe a drink!
of shrimp croquettes accompanied perhaps by some pizza or pretzel!

I got the recipe from this user Wired New York! I hope you like them .. we really like.
Although fries are light on the palate .. I recommend doubling the dose because it can be scarce!


200g milk 30g butter 50g flour

1 egg 2 tablespoons cornstarch or potato starch 200g prawns

parsley breadcrumbs salt

Melt butter, add the flour and mix x 1min on a fire, add slowly the milk and cook like a normal white sauce. The result will be a very comosto denso.
Successivamente aggiungere la maizena, il sale il prezzemolo e l'albume e amalgamare x bene.
Uniamo infine i gamberetti precedentemente lessati e tagliati grossolanamente.
Formare una palla e lasciare riposare in frigo x un'oretta.
Modellare delle piccole palline.. quasi grandi come una noce e friggerle in olio molto caldo fino a doratura!
Woilà il gioco è fatto!

non resta che mangiarle!
Buon appetito!